打工姐妹花第二季 第32期:集体嘲讽卡洛琳(在线收听

   Here's what's left in the bag. Nope, sorry. I don't see your dignity. 袋子里就剩这个了。抱歉,没找到你的尊严。

  Max, don't. Isn't it enough that I'm wearing dishwasher whites 麦克斯,别这样。难道我现在身穿洗碗工的大白褂还不够丢脸吗
  that have been around since the invention of B.O.? 这玩意就是伴随着狐臭出生的
  Oh, look at that, something ate right through the swiffer, and I don't think it was the bleach. 快瞧瞧,拖把居然被某液体腐蚀了,罪魁祸首貌似不是漂白剂哟。
  How will you ever live with the shame? 犯下奇耻大辱,你以后怎么做人呀
  Can you believe that is the man who saved us? 你能相信是那个男人救了我们吗
  Yeah, I did not see a gun coming. 就是,完全没想到他会掏枪
  I saw nunchucks, ninja smoke, maybe some hairpulling, but not a gun. 我可以想象双节棍,忍者烟雾或者拉人头发,但没想到他会掏枪。
  Well, good night, ladies. I thought we all acted very brave tonight. Well, some of us. 晚安,姑娘们。今晚的我们,都非常勇敢。某些人除外。
  Oh, yeah, I had a trauma, and I urinated. Ha ha! That's hilarious. 是呀,我刚精神受创,所以失禁了。哈哈哈,笑死人可以了吧。
  Yeah, you might need some counseling. 是啊,你可能需要心理咨询
  I could drop you off at a therapist on the way to my "I was a human shield" support group. 在我去"被人当过人肉盾牌"的互助小组路上,可以顺路带你见心理医生。
  Am I ever gonna live this down? 你什么时候才能忘了这事啊
  It happened, like, ten minutes ago. Okay, let's move on. 十分钟前才发生的事啊。好吧,说别的。
  Oh, look, someone left a coupon for free movie popcorn. 看,有人留了张电影院的免费爆米花券呢
  Oh, I'd love to escape to a movie after my... Well, I'd just love to escape. 我非常想远离一切,尤其是经过了这...我就想远离这一切。
  How much are movies now, like 200 bucks? 这年头看电影要多少钱啊,要200块吗
  Unless you go with me, in which case, it is free. 如果你跟我去,就分文不花
  I'll take you tomorrow. I've been sneaking into theaters since I was two. 我明天带你去吧。我从2岁就开始偷溜进电影院了。
  I crawled into The little mermaid with a sack full of cheerios and a baby bottle full of diet coke. 当时我偷爬进去看《小美人鱼》,还一手揣着一袋麦圈和满满一奶瓶的健怡可乐呢。