打工姐妹花第二季 第34期:来自苏菲的嘲笑(在线收听

   Oh, hi, girls. Oh, I heard what happened. 你们好呀,姑娘们。我都听说了。

  Max, you got pushed in front of a gun. You must be very pissed. 麦克斯,你被人推到枪口上。想必非常恼羞成"尿"吧。
  Caroline, oh, what a nice outfit. 卡洛琳,你这身衣服真漂亮
  On a scale of one to ten, you're an eight. Get it? Urinate. 如果按1到10评分,我会给你个8分。姑娘尿8不是罪。
  How do you even know what happened? 你都是听谁说的呀?
  Oh, well, Oleg told me when we were upstairs playing "hide the penis". 听奥列格说的呀,那时候我们在楼上玩"藏鸡鸡"的游戏。
  And we laughed so hard, we almost peed ourselves, but we didn't because we're not you. 我们捧腹大笑,差点失禁,但我们没尿,因为我们不是你。
  Actually, we're going to a movie. 其实我们要去看电影
  Oh, well, that's nice. I hope you're gonna wear your big girl pants. 那不错呀。希望你有穿上成人的尿不湿。
  Max. What? It's silly and funny. She's like a polish fart cushion. 麦克斯。干嘛?这又傻又好笑。她就像波兰版的搞笑放屁垫。
  Look, if it makes you feel any better, there can't be any pee jokes left. 如果能让你感觉好过点,我敢说她尿尿的笑话用完了。
  What are you seeing, something rated "pee pee 13"? 你们准备看什么电影呀,尿尿-13级的电影吗?
  Fart cushions are funny. 放屁垫果然很搞笑。