打工姐妹花第二季 第37期:影院偶遇阿憨(在线收听

   Oh, wow, look at that. That car just exploded in front of those two girls, 哇,快看啊。那辆车在那两个女生面前爆炸了,

  and one didn't use the other's body to block her from the flying debris. 而其中一个居然没有用另一个的身体来当人盾,抵挡飞射的破片残骸。
  Are you ever gonna let this go? 你什么时候才会说够啊
  I don't know. I mean, it's kind of a big deal. You put my life in danger. 我不知道,这件事对我影响很大。你置我于危险之中。
  Well, I've apologized about it twice. I don't know how much more I can do. 我都道过两次歉了。我不知道还有什么能做的了。
  Yeah, I could have died, but you apologized twice, so I guess we're good. 是啊,我差点丧命,但你都道过两次歉了,我们也算“扯平”了。
  I don't like this movie. It's violence against women. 我不喜欢这部电影。好多针对女性的暴力。
  Let's go see that katherine Heigl rom-com sequel. 我们去看凯瑟琳·海格尔的爱情喜剧系列吧。
  Talk about violence against women. 你有什么资格说“对女性的暴力行为”。
  I am gonna go spend some time with Katie Heigl. At least she won't make me feel guilty. 我要去看凯瑟琳·海格尔了。至少她不会让我觉得内疚。
  See ya. Enjoy three Walking on sunshine montages. 回见。享受三首情歌MV拼出来的烂片吧。
  I don't wanna go to a movie by myself, and you're right. I'm sorry. 我不想独自看电影,你说得对,我很抱歉。
  I hate the way I acted. I'm a spoiled rich girl, and I always put myself first, 我也讨厌自己那天的行为。我是个被宠坏的富家女,总是想着自己,
  and I know that's something you would never do. Shut up. 我知道换做你,你一定不会这样做。闭嘴。
  Max, I think I just saw Han. 麦克斯,我好像看见阿憨了。
  It is Han. What's he doing here? 就是他,他在这里干嘛?
  Why is he sitting all the way in the back? 为什么他要坐这么靠后?
  I don't know, maybe he's afraid of blocking absolutely no one's view. 不知道,以为自己能挡住任何人的视线吧
  And who is that guy and girl he's sitting with? Is Han in a threesome? 跟他在一起的男人和女人是谁啊?阿憨不会是在玩3P吧?
  Does he secretly have game? 难道他是游戏女人堆的浪子?
  Please. The only game Han has is "one, two, buckle my shoe." 拜托。阿憨唯一能玩的“游戏”就是唱儿歌。
  Wait, he's leaving, and so is the guy he was sitting next to. 慢着,他走了,他旁边坐的那家伙也走了。
  Did Han just get more interesting? We have to follow him. 阿憨是不是变得比电影更有趣了?我们得跟着他。
  He can blast a wall apart with his thoughts, but he can't get out of Handcuffs? 他可以用意念把一堵墙炸掉,却挣脱不了一副手铐吗?
  Even I could get out of Handcuffs! Have fun being lied to. 连我这种普通人都能把手铐搞定!祝你们被电影骗得愉快。
  You're right. You're always right. Are you seeing anyone? 你说得对,你永远是对的。你有对象了吗?
  That was hard to watch. 我都看不下去了。