打工姐妹花第二季 第42期:吸食大麻(在线收听

   Max, look at all these customers from Brooklyn midnight ride, I smell of diner success! 麦克斯,瞧瞧这午夜骑行活动给我们带来多少顾客,我闻到了成功的味道。

  Really? 'Cause I smell baked crotch. 真的吗?我只闻到胯下烤焦的味道呢。
  Can balls fart? Because I feel like I'm smelling that too. 蛋蛋也能放屁吗?我感觉好像闻到了蛋屁味。
  Where is Oleg with my orders? If my tables don't get food soon, they're gonna... 奥列格怎么还没上我的菜?我的客人再没拿到吃的,他们会...
  Oh, my God, they're raising their arms. 天啊,他们果然举手示意了
  Ugh! Well, we know it wasn't a charity ride to raise money for deodorant. 我们也可以确定这次骑行不是为除臭剂募捐善款了。
  Oleg, where are my burgers? 奥列格,我的汉堡好了吗
  I'm a little in the weeds right now. 我现在有点大麻
  You mean you smoked a little weed right now? 你是说你抽了点大麻吧
  It's medicinal. Helps with my chronic erection. 是药用大麻。压制我“长勃不倒”的毛病。
  Can someone who's not in the Grateful Dead tell me how we're gonna get food? 有非感恩而死乐队成员能告诉我怎么才能弄到食物吗?
  Follow me. You do plates, buns, coleslaw. 跟我来。你搞定盘子,汉堡面包,卷心菜沙拉。
  I'll do burgers, fries, and any guy who has no future. 我来搞汉堡,薯条,以及“搞”任何没未来的男人。
  Can you imagine if we were born inside shells, and then even bigger animals cracked us open to eat? 你能想象如果我们生在贝壳里,然后有更强大的动物破开壳,吞我们下肚吗?
  Fries on the plates! 薯条要放上盘子了!
  Is anybody writing this gold down? 没有人把这句金玉良言记下吗?
  All right, Oleg. I want in. Where's the... or the... or the... 好了,奥列格,我要加入。你抽的在...或是...又或是...
  Oh, my God, am I deaf? 天啊,老子成聋子了
  Wait, where is it? I put it somewhere. 慢着,我把它放哪里了?我记得放在某处了。
  Ooh, a french fry. 哇,有薯条吃。