英语俚语天天说 第156期:这些年卖衣服的网红(在线收听


  "Wang Hong" or Internet celebrities are described as having the similar features of a tiny face, sharp chin, extraordinarily big eyes and often suggested to have had cosmetic surgery in South Korea.
  However, many of them have already turned their good looks and online fame into money.
  feature n. 特征
  cosmetic surgery 整容手术
  At 3 p.m. on July 27, a total of more than 5,000 clothing items sold out in two seconds from an online store run by Zhang Dayi.
  A former model who frequented fashion magazines, Zhang is now the owner of an online shop that is set up on Taobao, China's largest online retailing platform run by Alibaba's Jack Ma.
  All of the new products sold out in three days, which is equivalent to the sales volume of a brick-and-mortar shop over a one year period.
  sold out 卖光;脱销
  frequented v. 常去,常到(某处)
  retailing platform 零售平台
  equivalent to 等于,折合
  brick-and-mortar shop 实体店
  The shop owner Zhang has more than 3 million fans on China's Sina Weibo, a Twitter-like online platform, more than the fan base of many major stars.
  The shop opened in May, 2014 and whenever new clothes come in, the shop ranks No.1 in women's clothes on Taobao that day.
  base n. 基数
  rank v.排名