绿箭侠第一季 第352期:对梅林展开行动(在线收听

   Oh, my god. You said you were going to pull your punches! 天啊。你说你会注意力度的。

  I did. Let me get you an ice pack for... everything. I'm fine. 我注意了。我给你拿个冰袋敷一下。我没事。
  I need you to dig up everything you can on Unidac Industries. 我要你挖出关于尤尼达克工业的所有信息
  Well, we know Queen Consolidated acquired them seven months ago. That's when we met. 我们知道奎恩联合企业七个月前收购了他们。我们是那时候认识的。
  I need information about what I don't know. 我需要的是我还不知道的信息。
  Unidac is a small research and development technology company that specializes in seismic infringement. 尤尼达克工业是个小型科研技术公司,专门研究如何人为引发地震。
  Merlyn plans on leveling the glades with a device that triggers a manmade earthquake. 梅林计划用一个装置制造人工地震,铲平贫民区。
  You're kidding. What else does it say? 你开玩笑的吧。上边还有什么?
  More information on the stock auction. 一些关于拍卖股票的信息。
  And, you know, the latest on what the media's calling-- the Unidac Massacre. 你知道,最近媒体所说的,尤尼达克大屠杀。
  There's no way this timing is a coincidence. 这绝不是个巧合
  Oliver, there's a website claiming the police suspect a copycat archer. 奥利弗,有个网站宣称警方怀疑是冒牌射手干的。
  What?! So the other archer works for Meryln? 什么?那个射手是梅林的手下吗?
  He's tying up loose ends. 他是在清理痕迹
  Erasing all evidence this device exists so no one can trace the devastation back to him. 消除那个装置存在的所有证据,这样就没有人会追查到他头上。
  All right, so you're going to have a pointed conversation with Mr. Meryln. 那你要跟梅林先生来场直接对话了
  Well, even if I take out Meryln, the other archer is still out there. 即使我除掉梅林,那个射手仍然逍遥法外。
  He can set off the device. We need to find it. Then Meryln can get his. 而他可以启动装置,我们需要找到装置。然后再对付梅林。
  Well, maybe there's another way to get Meryln to tell us. 或许还有一个方法让梅林告诉我们
  What do you have in mind? 你有什么主意?
  As I keep proving, people keep secrets. Computers don't. 就像我一直在说的,人藏秘密。电脑不会。
  Felicity, are you hacking into the Merlyn Global mainframe? 费利西蒂,你要侵入梅林环球集团的服务器?
  "Hacking" is such an ugly word. No. I'm... “侵入”这么难听。不,我是...
  Yeah, totally hacking into the Merlyn Global mainframe. 好吧,我是侵入梅林环球集团的服务器了。