绿箭侠第一季 第353期:马尔科姆探望沃尔特(在线收听

   It truly is very kind of you to come all the way out here. 你实在太好了,大老远跑过来。

  Walter? Who are you speaking to... 沃尔特?你在跟谁说话...
  Moira. How are you? Well. Thank you. 莫伊拉。你还好吗?很好。谢谢。
  Actually, you look a little bit out of sorts. 你看起来有些不舒服。
  Oh, no, no, I'm fine. 没事,我很好。
  Malcolm stopped by to check up on his nemesis on the racquetball court. 马尔科姆顺路来探望一下他的劲敌,在壁球场上的劲敌。
  I didn't get a chance to talk to Walter at the hospital. 我在医院没机会和沃尔特聊几句。
  Like everyone, I'm glad he's back where he belongs. 他这次回来与家人团聚
  With his family. Yes. 我和大家一样高兴。是的。
  I'll let you get some rest. Thanks again. Yeah. 你好好休息吧。再次多谢。没事。
  Uh, I'll walk you out. 我送你出去
  Your assassin wasn't too subtle in eliminating those people at Unidac. 你派去暗杀尤尼达克那些人的刺客,活干得不够干净。
  Well, now the police are focused on the copycat archer instead of the undertaking. 现在警察们都在关注假冒牌弓箭手,不理会我们的大事了。
  As for our collateral damage, I had to limit our exposure. I see. 至于我们的附带损害,我得控制一下我们的曝光率了。知道。
  And does paying Walter a visit just now fall under the same category? 你来拜访沃尔特也是出于这个原因吗?
  You held him for nearly six months. Surely you had him questioned. He was. 你关了他将近6个月。你肯定审问过他了。是的。
  And I assume that if Walter knew something you'd rather he didn't, agreement be damned, 我猜如果沃尔特知道些你不希望他知道的事情,协议就告吹了,
  I would be a widow again. Am I wrong? Rarely. 我就又成为寡妇了。我说错了吗?没有。