绿箭侠第一季 第354期:警方开始调查梅林(在线收听

   Well, we discovered a few phone calls between one of the Unidac victims and someone at the Merlyn Global Group, 我们发现其中一个尤尼达克受害人与梅林环球集团某个人通过好几次电话,

  which is why I asked for someone at your company to help me with my investigation. 所以我请求贵公司派人协助我的调查。
  But naturally, they send down the one guy that's been working there 30 seconds and knows nothing. 但他们自然派了眼前这位只在公司工作过30秒,一问三不知的家伙来。
  Detective Lance, if someone from Meryln Global is involved with those deaths, 兰斯探长,如果梅林环球有谁与那些死亡事件有关,
  I want them found as much as you do. 我跟你一样想把他们找出来。
  Give me more to go on than some phone calls and I will help you in any way that I can. Thank you. 除了电话以外,再给我些别的信息,我会不遗余力帮助你。谢谢。
  What are you doing here? 你在这里干嘛?
  Helping your father with an investigation. 协助你父亲调查。
  Call me if you need anything else. Thank you. 如果还有别的需要,给我打电话。谢谢。
  One second, sweetie. 等一下,宝贝。
  Ok, someone at Merlyn Global could be connected to the copycat archer, all right? 梅林环球很可能有人和冒牌弓箭手有关,明白吗?
  Any chance you can have a little snoop around their computer systems? 你能不能进他们的电脑系统,探寻探寻?
  You'll need a warrant. 你需要搜查令
  No, we'll need a judge who owes me a favor. 不,我们需要一个欠我人情的法官。
  You never did tell me what had you and Merlyn on the outs. 你还没告诉我你和梅林为什么闹僵了。
  No, I didn't. You don't have to tell me. Oliver. 我没和他闹僵。你不必告诉我。奥利弗。
  Come on. I know. I know. Say it. You...you think I'm crazy. 不是吧。我知道。说出来吧。你...你觉得我疯了
  I mean, Oliver, he cheated on me. He broke my heart, he led Sara to her death. 我是说,奥利弗,他背叛了我。伤了我的心,让莎拉没了性命。
  And you would probably rather drink acid than see me with him again. 你大概宁可喝硫酸也不愿意看到我又和他在一起。
  Dad... I am sure you're disappointed in me. 爸爸...我知道你一定对我很失望。
  Since Queen's been back, he's... different. 自从奎恩回来后,他不一样了。
  I'll deny ever having said that. Let's eat. 我不会承认我这么说过。我们去吃东西。