打工姐妹花第二季 第44期:波兰高大节(在线收听

   Max, did you blow a possible cupcake customer tonight? 麦克斯,你今晚是不是吹了一个潜在的客户?

  You know I don't mix business with pleasure. 我可是公私分明,干活时候从不"吹"。
  We have to keep pushing our cupcakes. 我们必须不断地推销小蛋糕
  Every table, every time, "Max's homemade cupcakes." 每个餐桌,每次点餐,都要强推"麦克斯自制小蛋糕"。
  I did. I said my name to that table more times than my mother said it my entire life. 我有啊。刚才我说我名字的次数比我妈这辈子叫我的次数还多。
  But you can't just say the name. You have to really sell it. 你不能光说名字。你得用心去推销。
  You should see me out there. 你真应该向我学着点
  "Hope you saved room for one of our delicious Max's homemade cupcakes. "希望您肚子还有空位,吃我们美味的麦克斯自制小蛋糕"
  They're moist, delicious, creamy--" Stop. "湿润,味美,带汁液"。别说了。
  I can't believe I'm saying this, but I am not a whore. 没想到我会说这个,但老娘又不是妓女。
  Oh, you're a cupcake whore, and right now I'm your pimp, so... how many did you sell tonight? Two. 你就是个小蛋糕妓女,而现在我是你的皮条客,所以...你今晚卖了多少?两个
  Don't hit me, daddy! Okay, how many did you sell tonight? 别打我,皮条老爹!好吧,那你今晚又卖了多少?
  I sold... Two. Okay, we're bad whores. 我可是卖了...两个哟。好吧,我们是一代烂妓。
  No, we are tired whores. It's not the end of the world. 不,我们只是累了的妓。急什么,又不是世界末日。
  We're just letting a few El-Caminos drive by because our wrists are sore. 我们不过是因为"手腕累了",才放过几个开老爷车的过路客。
  I love you for that. You just put everything into perspective. 我就爱你这样。你看待事物总是有独到见解。
  So I says to Caroline, "it's so bad for business." 于是我跟卡洛琳说,这样对生意不好
  And right now they're in the kitchen having huge fight. I really worried that... 她们现在正在厨房大吵特吵呢。我真的很担心...
  Lady chatterbox says your business is in big trouble. 八卦小天后说你们的生意有"大麻烦"
  Please, everything seems big to Han. 拜托,对小不点来说什么不"大"呀
  Ready to go, Sophie? And girls, sorry to hear your business broke up and you aren't speaking. 可以走了吗,苏菲?姑娘们,听说你们的生意失败,还撕破脸了啊。
  We scared him. Now he's gonna run under the stove. 我们吓到他了。这小鼠辈要躲回灶台下了。
  I'm gonna make some calls to help you. Get you some big party jobs. 我会打几个电话帮帮你们。给你们接几个大派对单子。
  That's so nice of you, Sophie. We really appreciate it. 你人真好,苏菲。我们感激不尽。
  You girls can make some big money. As you know, Duza day is coming up. 你们俩姑娘可以挣大钱哦。你们也知道,高大节要来了。
  Um, no, I do not know. What the hell is Duza day? 不,我不知道。什么是高大节呀?
  Oh, Duza day is huge holiday in Polish community. 高大节是波兰的重大节日
  When a polish girl reaches six feet, you give her big party. 当波兰姑娘长到1米82时,得给她办个派对。
  I had mine when I was seven. 我是在七岁的时候办的。