老外最常用的英文短语 第599期:feel...(在线收听

   feel (心情,身体)感觉……

  I feel really sick today. 我今天身体不太舒服。
  This feels (very) weird to me. 感觉很奇怪啊。
  I don't know, but it just doesn't feel right to me. 我不知道,不过对我来说,这不太靠谱。
  You said it. I don't feel right, either. 真的,我感觉也不踏实。
  I feel weird about what happened the other day. 关于上次发生的事情,我感觉有点奇怪。
  I don't really feel right about doing this. 我觉得做这件事不太好。
  Don't make me go there. I feel at home here. 不要让我去那,我觉得这里更自在。
  You can stop working and go get some rest if you feel tired. 如果你累的话,可以停下工作休息一会。
  I have no energy and feel sick.  我一点力气都没有,感觉不太舒服。
  This is why you need to exercise.  所以说你得多运动。
  You have all my sympathy.  我很想同情你。
  You shouldn't feel sad for me.  你不用为我伤心。
  I want to go to bed. I feel tired.  我想去睡觉了,很累。
  That's a good plan. We need rest.  好主意,我们得休息一会了。