万花筒 Kaleidoscope 2007-05-20&21, 英军方最终决定: 哈里不赴伊拉克前线(在线收听

Prince Harry once said he didn't drag himself through officer training school to end up not going to Iraq, but that's exactly what he did. After months of go no-go dithering about whether to deploy him, Britain's Chief General today changes his mind again. It's no-go.

There have been a number of specific threats. These threats expose not only him, but also those around him, to a degree of risk that I now deem unacceptable.

Attacks on British troops have increased lately, and it's now thought insurgents plan to target the prince directly. Harry's worst fear has come true.

The last thing I wanna do is, have my soldiers sent away to Iraq, wherever like that, and for me to be held back home, twiddling my thumbs, thinking, well, what about David, what about Derek, you know..

But now David and Derek will go, and Prince Harry won't. Killing or capturing a prince might have been a huge insurgent propaganda victory. A prince not going to war at all is a victory in its own right. Bowler hats and not combat helmets now seem to be in Harry's future. And questions are being asked why one soldier's life is worth more than any other.

Mark Phillips, CBS News, London.
twiddle (one's) thumbs : To do little or nothing; be idle.
in one's own right : because of one's own ability or effort.