万花筒 Kaleidoscope 2007-07-06&07-08, 纽约---一个怎么样的城市(在线收听

Who said New York will be a great city if it's ever finished, it'll never be finished. But it's already a great city to cover. It's a city of superlatives. It's a city that's ascendant. It's a city of new subways, new stadiums, new immigrants and a brand-new City Room for the New York Times.

City Room is a collaborative effort by reporters and editors of the New York Times. It's intended to enhance and build on, and supplement the news articles in our traditional print edition while at the same time giving readers a much greater chance to interact with each other with newsmakers and with journalists.

I was born in Manhattan and I spent the first few years of my life on the Lower East Side on Rutgers Street. Like many neighborhoods, the Lower East Side is in the midst of major social and economic change. Pressures over affordable housing and gentrification threaten to alter the neighborhood's historic character. Only a few blocks from housing developments filled with working immigrants are hit bars and luxury apartments that would have been unthinkable just a few years ago.

New York is changing and the New York Times is changing, too. As more readers get their news and information from the web, our tools for reporting and presenting the news have changed as well. This June, the Metro Staff moved to the Times's new headquarters in Midtown Manhattan. We have a new City Room literally, and a new City Room virtually. The new City Room blog is not only a way to bring a constant stream of news to our readers but also to invite them into the conversation. We hope this blog will be a space for New Yorkers and others to exchange ideas, share their own experiences and debate the issues of the day. This blog will have regular features, roundups of the day's leading stories, news items from the five boroughs, political dispatches from Albany, Q&A sessions with newsmakers and experts, and web-videos like the one you are watching now. The old City Room was a space for reporters and editors. The new City Room is big enough to fit anybody who wants to stop by. Come in and join the conversation.

Gentrification: Gentrification, or urban gentrification, is a phenomenon in which low-cost, physically deteriorated neighborhoods undergo physical renovation and an increase in property values, along with an influx of wealthier residents who may displace the prior residents.

The five boroughs: It refers to Manhattan, The Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens and Staten Island which make up the New York City.