绿箭侠第一季 第364期:筹划袭击(在线收听

   What is it? 怎么了?

  Felicity found the Markov Device. 费利西蒂找到了马尔科夫装置。
  Meryln's keeping it at a warehouse, his company owns in the glades. 梅林把它放在贫民区,他公司名下的一个仓库里。
  Good. Coordinate an attack. You take the device, I'll take Merlyn. Got a location? 很好。准备一次袭击。你去拿装置,我来搞定梅林。有梅林的位置吗?
  Yeah. According to Felicity's trojan, Meryln's logged on to his computer from his office. 有了,根据费利西蒂种下的木马,梅林在他办公室的电脑上登陆过。
  I'm on my way. 我马上出发。
  The uniform suits you, Yao Fei. Any time you're ready. 这套衣服很适合你,姚飞。你准备好了就开始。
  To the people of china and citizens of the world, I make this statement voluntarily, 中国人民和全世界的人民,我自愿地发表本声明,
  taking responsibility for the shooting of Ferris Air Flight 637 对射击菲利斯航空637航班承担责任,
  to protest the People's Republic of China's treatment of me; 以抗议中华人民共和国对我的不公正对待。
  For betraying and abandoning me to the island of Lian Yu. 出卖我并将我遗弃在炼狱岛上。
  Consider this my righteous delivery of powerful vengeance. 请将这当成我正当的复仇之举。
  Thank you. No! Ba! Ba! Sir. Plane is within range. 谢谢。不!爸!爸!长官。飞机已经在射程内。