绿箭侠第一季 第367期:费利西蒂来到警局(在线收听

   Felicity's at Queen Consolidated. 费利西蒂在奎恩联合企业。

  She's still going through the data she pulled off Merlyn's network. 她还在浏览从梅林的网络里截获的数据。
  Did she find anything? 有什么发现吗?
  Yeah, the design schematics of the earthquake generator. 有,地震发生器的设计图纸。
  So we can shut it down. Assuming we find it in time. 这样我们就能关闭它。如果我们能及时找到的话。
  Yeah, Felicity, I got him. 费利西蒂,我找到他了。
  Thank god. Is he ok? Mostly. Ok. I'm on my way. 谢天谢地。他还好吗?挺好的。好。我就来。
  Miss Smoak. Where are you off to in such a hurry? 斯莫克小姐。这么着急赶去哪里啊?
  Please. Take a seat. 请进。坐吧。
  You know, I think I'd rather stand. 我倒宁愿站着。
  You're not exactly a hardened criminal, are you? 你并不是惯犯,对吧。
  No, I'm not any kind of criminal. 不,我不是任何形式的罪犯。
  What do you call computer hacking? 那你说入侵别人电脑是什么行为?
  A hobby? That I do not engage in. 爱好吧?我可没有这种爱好。
  Hey, I got a whole mess of computer gobbedly gook that I don't understand, but it says otherwise. 我这有一大堆我搞不懂的电脑数据,它可不这样认为。
  I had my tech guys go through your computer at Queen Consolidated. 我让我的技术人员检查了你在奎恩联合企业的电脑。
  You used it to hack into Blackhawk Squad security to research arrows shipped to a company called Sagittarius 你用电脑入侵了黑鹰小队的安全系统,调查运往一个名叫人马座公司的箭支,
  and to analyze a water sample to tie back to a Vertigo drug lab. 而且还分析了"迷魂"制造窝点的水样
  These are all cases involving... the Hood. 这些案子都与兜帽男有关。
  Tell me, Felicity. What am I thinking? 告诉我,费利西蒂。我在想什么?
  Saved by the bell. Excuse me. 电话铃声救了你。稍等。