绿箭侠第一季 第369期:兄弟反目(在线收听

   Look who it is. My best friend in life. Hey, buddy. 看看是谁来了。我这辈子最好的朋友。兄弟。

  I took your advice, you know. I went to Laurel's, to fight for her. 我听了你的建议。我去了劳蕾尔家,去争取她。
  So imagine my surprise seeing you there, kissing her. 想象一下我看到你在那里吻她有多惊讶。
  I'm sorry. No, you're not. 抱歉。不,你才没有。
  Something's happening, and it involves your father. 发生了一些事,跟你父亲有关。
  Keep my father out of this. 别扯上我父亲
  Our fathers. They aren't the men we thought they were. 还有我的父亲。他们并非我们以为的那样。
  They made a plan together... to destroy the glades. 他们一起制定了一个计划,要摧毁贫民区。
  Do you have any idea what you sound like right now? 你知道自己在说什么吗?
  Your father's going to do it. 你父亲要行动了。
  Because he thinks it will avenge your mother's death. 他认为这样能为你母亲的死复仇。
  Do not talk about my mother! 别提我母亲!
  The difference between us, Tommy, 我们之间的区别在于,汤米,
  is that I didn't find out the truth about my father until it was too late. 当我发现我父亲的真正面目时,已经太晚了。
  But you've always known, deep down, you have always known the man he is. 但在你心底很清楚,你父亲是个什么样的人。
  I wish you would have died on that island. 真希望你死在了那座岛上。