夏洛的网 第198期:胜利时刻(4)(在线收听

   Wilbur blushed. 威尔伯脸红了。

  He stood perfectly still and tried to look his best. 它站着完全一动不动,尽力做出最棒的样子。
  "This magnificent animal," continued the loud speaker, “这一只出色的猪,”扩音器说下去,
  "is truly terrific. Look at him, ladies and gentlemen! “的确是了不起。看看它吧,女士们和先生们!
  Note the smoothness and whiteness of the coat, observe the spotless skin, 注意它全身雪白光滑,请注意,它的皮肤上一点瑕疵也没有,
  the healthy pink glow of ears and snout." 耳朵和鼻子上透着健康的粉红色。”
  "It's the buttermilk," whispered Mrs. Arable to Mrs. Zuckerman. “这都亏了脱脂牛奶。”阿拉布尔太太悄悄对朱克曼太太说。
  "Note the general radiance of this animal! Then remember the day when the word 'radiant' appeared clearly on the web. “还请注意,这猪光彩照人!请记住,今天网上又清清楚楚出现了‘谦卑’两个字。
  Whence came this mysterious writing? 这些神秘的字是从哪里来的呢?
  Not from the spider, we can rest assured of that. 它们不是蜘蛛织出来的,
  Spiders are very clever at weaving their webs, but needless to say spiders cannot write." 我们可以认为蜘蛛在结网方面聪明透顶,可是不用说,蜘蛛是不会织字的。”
  "Oh, they can't, can't they?" murmured Charlotte to herself. “噢,它们不会吗?它们不会吗?”夏洛自言自语嘟哝说。
  "Ladeez and gentlemen," continued the loud speaker, “女士们,先生们,”扩音器说下去,
  "I must not take any more of your valuable time. “我们绝不能再占用诸位宝贵的时间了。
  On behalf of the governors of the Fair, I have the honor of awarding a special prize of twenty-five dollars to Mr. Zuckerman, 我谨代表集市的主办人,荣幸地颁给朱克曼先生一个特别奖,奖金二十五元,
  together with a handsome bronze medal suitably engraved, 还有一个刻了字的美丽的铜奖章,
  in token of our appreciation of the part played by this pig 表示我们对这猪
  - this radiant, this terrific, this humble pig ——这王牌的、这了不起的、这光彩照人的猪
  - in attracting so many visitors to our great County Fair." 所做出的贡献的奖赏,它吸引了那么多贵客来到我们这个伟大的县集市来。”