新闻纵贯线 Today updated 20:00 2017/12/12(在线收听


Welcome to 'Today' - an hour of world news and analysis -- from a different perspective. I'm Suyi

Coming up:

--Wang Yi says China and India should make correct choice in development of relations

--Putin orders "significant" pullback of Russian troops from Syria

--Australian senator decides to quit after China scrutiny

For more on this , we have  Rong Ying, Vice President and Senior Research Fellow at the China Institute of International Studies;Seyed Mohammad Marandi, Professor of North American Studies and dean of the Faculty of World Studies at the University of Tehran;Chen Hong, executive vice president of Chinese Association of Australian Studies in China, Director of Australian Studies Center , East China Normal University;YANG Yuguang, professor from China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation, earlier spoke with Ge Anna

If you have any questions or want to leave comments, simply follow us on Weibo, we're 今日_CRI_TODAY. To listen to this episode again or catch up on previous episodes, you can download our podcast by searching for world news analysis.
