新闻纵贯线 Today updated 20:00 2018/01/11(在线收听


Welcome to 'Today' - an hour of world news and analysis -- from a different perspective. I'm Suyi

Coming up:

--Lancang-Mekong leaders map out blueprint for future development

--Canada files trade complaint against U.S. to WTO

--The EU is set to meet with Iran to back nuclear deal in a message to Trump 

For more on this, we are joining on the line by  Du Lan, assistant research fellow, department for American Studies, China Institute of International studies;Zhang Jun,Dean at the School of Economics, and Director at the Center for Chinese Economy, Fudan University and Wang Dan, analyst of Economist Intelligence Unit earlier spoke with Zhao Yang;Liu Kuangyu, Institute of Taiwan Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Science;Li Guofu, Senior Research Fellow with China Institute of International Studies
