新闻纵贯线 Today updated 20:00 2018/01/31(在线收听


Welcome to 'Today' - an hour of world news and analysis -- Today keeps you informed and inspired. I'm Zhaoying

Coming up:

--Trump proclaims "new American moment" in his first State of the Union speech

--Russia's Syria talks end with plan to draft a new constitution

--Half of world is set to spot "super blue blood moon" tonight

For more on this, CRI's Zhaoying joined on the line by Wang Jin,PhD candidate of Haifa university in Israel,research fellow of the Syria research center of Northwest University, and research fellow of think tank China Globolization Center;Zhu Jin,Curator of Beijing Planetarium;Liu Zhun, the International Communications Manager of Didi Chuxing,earlier spoke with my colleague Wang Xiao;Yuan Youwei, deputy director general of the exchange department with China Center for International Economic Exchanges, earlier spoke with Su Yi..
