绿箭侠第一季 第370期:探长被停职(在线收听

   Make it quick, I got a comm stat meeting in five. 有话快说,我五分钟后有个委员统计会要开。

  I don't want to be late for my own funeral. 死到临头了,我可不想迟到。
  I've got it under good authority that Malcolm Merlyn is planning on leveling the glades 我得到确切消息,马尔科姆·梅林计划用尤尼达克工业制造的
  using some kind of earthquake device made by Unidac Industries. 某种地震设备炸毁贫民区。
  Who's your source in all this? 你的线人是谁?
  The vigilante. He called me. 治安维持者。他给我打的电话。
  Has been for the last few months, he's been helpful on some cases. 已经好几个月了,好些案子他都帮过忙。
  You asked for the task force to catch him. You swore to me you'd bring him in. I know. 你申请了特别小组去抓他。你向我发誓会抓他回来。是的。
  I swore to uphold the law, because the law is steady, the law is unchanging, the law needed to be protected. 我发誓捍卫法律,因为法律不可动摇,始终如一,需要捍卫。
  But what are laws, rules, if they don't protect people? 但要是保护不了人民,还算什么法律,规条呢?
  Now listen, I know, I'm throwing away my career by telling you this, 我知道我告诉你这些也许会丢了饭碗
  but I am willing to sacrifice catching this guy if it means saving people's lives! Please. 但若是为了拯救人命,我愿意放弃抓捕这家伙。拜托。
  You're suspended. Leave the gun and your badge with the duty sergeant. 你被停职了。把你的枪和警徽交给当班的队长。
  Lieutenant... Suspension or incarceration. You choose. 副队...要么停职,要么监禁。自己选。