打工姐妹花第二季 第65期:刷卡消费的感觉(在线收听

   I went out with a guy last night. Asked me if we could go dutch. 我昨晚跟个男人出去约会。他问我能不能各付各的。

  I said, "I don't know. What's Dutch for cheap-ass bitch?" 我说,"不知道呢。我不会说荷兰语的你个小气废柴"。
  You kick him to the curb! 把他一脚踹飞啦!
  We'll be right back, because mama's gotta go put her feet up. 稍后继续,老娘要先去休息了。
  Uh, miss? Can we get another round when you get a chance? Another round? 小姐?等你忙完了能给我们再上一轮酒吗?再一轮吗?
  And keep them coming until we can no longer see. 我们没喝到瞎了之前,酒都别停。
  Put it on my card. You got it. Man, that feels good every time. 都算我卡上吧。没问题。这句话,怎么说都还是爽。
  Hey, Max. Just because you're buying me drinks doesn't mean I'm going to put out. 麦克斯,别以为你请我喝酒,我就会无节操的对你投怀送抱。
  My celery stick is my microphone at the comedy club! 这根芹菜就是我在相声社的麦克风!
  I'm here, I'm here. 我来了,我来了。
  Did you get the puppet? Oh, I've got the puppet. 有买到布偶吗?姐出马,当然是办妥了。