旅游英语口语就该这么说:第19期 兑换货币 句型大全(在线收听

You can hear this... 你可以听这个……

How much do you like to change? 您要换多少钱?
Do you like to know something about the exchange rate? 您要了解兑换率的情况吗?
Some U.S. dollars, all right? 给您一些美元, 行吗?
Give you some small notes? 给您一些小票子, 行吗?
Do you charge for remit? 汇款你们收手续费吗?
You can speak this... 你可以说这个……
You want to change money, don't you? 您要兑换钱, 是吗?
And what kind of currency do you want to change? 那么, 您要兑换哪种货币呢?
I'd like to change some RMB, since I need some RMB to pay my employees. 我想换些人民币, 因为我需要一些人民币来付给我的职员。 
What's the amount you'd like to change? 您要兑换多少呢?
How do you want your money? 这笔钱您要多少面值的现金?
What is today's exchange rate between the U.S. dollar and the pound sterling? 今天美元和英镑之间的汇率是多少?
Do you charge for cheques? 请问, 兑换支票收手续费吗?
Please check it. 请核对一下。
Please fill in this exchange memo in duplicate, your name and the amount you want to change. 请填写这张兑换水单, 写您的姓名和要兑换的金额, 一式两份。