英语角-圆桌会议RoundTable1030 - 麦当劳和金拱门之间隔了多少个乡村基?(在线收听

Topic1-Why Are Online Education Institutions Not Making Profit?

Online education has become an increasingly common form of teaching and learning. The nascent stage of online education was marked by free access and downloads, but now, many online classes are offered by special institutions, and subsequently come with a fee.
A 2016 survey done by the Business channel of China's Central Television suggested that 70% of all online education institutions are in fact, suffering from financial loss.
What's going on? Why aren't these industries as profitable as we thought they were?
Motivational Monday
We share with you positive quotes and stories; they help you to start the week with motivation and inspiration! In a special segment called motivational Monday!
Topic2-Jingongmen, are you lovin' it?
McDonald's Chinese business has changed its company name from the phonetic translation "mai dang lao" to Jingongmen which literally means golden arch in Chinese.
Internet users joke, overnight, an international food conglomerate turns into a domestic food joint. Why is it?
Jin Gong Men, are you still lovin' it?                                   