实战口语情景对话 第20期:搭飞机回家(在线收听

 Todd: OK, Victor, tomorrow you're flying home. 维克多,明天你要搭飞机回家。

Victor: Yes, that's correct. 是的,没错。
Todd: OK. So, are you afraid of flying? 你害怕坐飞机吗?
Victor: No, flying's fine. 不,做飞机挺好。
Todd: Really. Back home, for your job, do you fly? 真的。回到家,你会因为工作而搭飞机吗?
Victor: No, I drive to work and to different assignments. 不,我工作需要开车去不同的地点。
Todd: OK, you never have to fly to go to conventions or other cities or stuff like that. 好的,你从来不用不用搭飞机去开会,或是出国?
Victor: Once or twice each year I do fly to go to conventions connected with my work. 每年一次或两次我会搭飞机出差开会。
Todd: OK. Um, tomorrow you have a really long flight. 好的,明天你要坐很长时间的飞机。
Victor: That's correct. 是的。
Todd: It's probably what about 15 hours 大约15小时。
Victor: From Narita to Washington DC is 12 hours in the air. 从成田机场坐飞机到华盛顿需要12小时。
Todd: So how do you pass the time on the plane? 那么你如何在飞机上打发时间呢?
Victor: On the plane I like to sleep as much as possible. 我喜欢在飞机上尽可能多地睡觉。
Todd: OK. Do you take medication or just have a beer or..? 好的。你靠吃药还是喝点儿酒来入睡?
Victor: No, no. I don't take any medication. I just, I tend to stay up late the day before so that I'm so tired I'll want to sleep on the plane. 不。我不吃药。我只是在搭飞机前一天睡得晚点,这样我在飞机上就会觉得很累很想睡觉。
Todd: Well, good strategy and I hope you have a good flight. 哇,好策略,希望你明天旅途愉快。