实战口语情景对话 第73期:乐队 The Band(在线收听

 Todd: So, James, you're in a band! 詹姆斯,你是乐队一员!

James: Yes! 是的!
Todd: OK, tell us about your band. 跟我们讲讲你的乐队。
James: I play in a Swedish Bubblegum Punk Band. 我的乐队叫做瑞典泡泡糖朋克乐队。
Todd: Swedish Bubblegum Punk Band. What exactly is that? 瑞典泡泡糖朋克乐队。
James: I don't know, but that's what it says on the CD. 我不知道,但CD上就是这么写的。
Todd: OK. What do you play in your band? 你在乐队演奏什么?
James: I play base guitar. 我演奏低音电吉他。
Todd: OK. How long have you been playing the guitar? 好的。你弹吉他弹了多久了?
James: I've been playing the guitar for about 12 or 13 years. 我弹吉他弹了12,3年了。
Todd: Oh, really! OK. Nice. Do you play any other instruments? 真的!真棒。你还玩其他乐器吗?
James: I play a little guitar and a little drums. 我会点儿吉他,会点儿打鼓。
Todd: Since you're in a band do you meet lots of women? 自从你进入乐队就很有女生缘?
James: Yes. 是的。
Todd: Really! You're a rock star. 真的!你是个摇滚新星。
James: Yes. 是的。
Todd: Nice. Nice. Do you tour or do you just play where you live? 很好。你们会巡回演出吗,还是只在居住地演出?
James: We just play in clubs. Local clubs. 我们只在俱乐部演出,地方俱乐部。
Todd: OK. What the best thing about being a musician, in the band? 好的。进入乐团玩音乐最大的好处是什么?
James: It's really good for relaxing and having fun. 组乐队有利于放松,而且很有趣。
Todd: Is it your full-time job? 这是你的全职工作吗?
James: No, it's not. It's only a hobby. 不是,这只是个爱好。
Todd: Oh, OK. 好的。