实战口语情景对话 第75期:健身房 Gym(在线收听

 Todd: OK, Yoko. We're gonna talk about exercise. 洋子,我们来谈一谈锻炼。

Yoko: Exercise! 锻炼!
Todd: Now, you go to a gym? 你去健身房吗?
Yoko: Maybe three times a week. 有时一周三次。
Todd: OK. 好的。
Yoko: Yeah. If I can. 如果我能去的话。
Todd: OK. 好的。
Yoko: Cause I have to. 因为我必须去。
Todd: Why? What do you mean? Why do you have to? 为什么?这是什么意思?为什么必须去?
Yoko: When I went to the USA, I gained a lot. 20 pounds. That was too much for me. So I decided to go to lose weight. 我在美国的时候体重增加了很多,有20磅。这对于我来说太多了。因此我决定减肥。
Todd: OK. 好的。
Yoko: If possible. 如果可以的话。
Todd: How did you lose weight? 你是如何减肥的?
Yoko: I go to the gym and run, maybe 20 minutes. I'm too lazy. I can't keep running for hours. And anyway, so I do aerobics. Do you say aerobics? 我去健身房跑步,大约跑20分钟。我很懒,没办法一下跑几个小时。另外,我还做有氧运动。你知道有氧运动吗?
Todd: Aerobics. 有氧运动。
Yoko: Yes. Aerobics or something like that. 是的。有氧运动或是类似的运动。
Todd: OK. That's it. 只是有氧运动。
Yoko: That's it. And sometimes I swim. Yeah, but I like aerobics better than swimming. 有时候我还去游泳。是的,但相比而言我更喜欢有氧运动。
Todd: Why? 为什么?
Yoko: Because it's fun. 因为那很有趣。
Todd: OK. 好的。
Yoko: And the music and dancing. Yeah, it's more fun for me. 有氧运动配上音乐和舞蹈。我感到很有趣。
Todd: When you lost the weight did you also diet or did you just exercise? 你减肥的时候节食吗,还是只是运动减肥?
Yoko: I just exercised cause I like eating. I love eating. I can't stop doing that, so... but I try my best not to eat chocolate too much. 只是运动减肥,因为我喜欢美食。我喜欢吃东西。我的嘴停不下来,但我尽了最大可能少吃巧克力。
Todd: Oh, that's your weakness. Chocolate. 哦,这是你的弱点——巧克力。
Yoko: Yeah. 是的。
Todd: OK. Well, you look great so. 你现在看起来很好。
Yoko: Oh, thank you. You're so nice. 谢谢,你人真好。
Tood: Oh, thank you. You're so nice. 谢谢,你人真好。
Yoko: You are welcom. 不客气。
Todd: Ok, thank you. 谢谢。
Yoko: You are welcome, talk to you soon. 不客气,回头再聊。