实战口语情景对话 第183期:通勤 The Commute(在线收听

 One of the things that I really like about Japan is Japan has a really good train system. I take the train to work every morning and I take the train home every night. I like the trains because on the trains I can do what I want to do. I can read a book, read the newspaper, listen to music, study Japanese. Um, it's really nice. I see my time on the train as my free-time, to do things that I like to do. Also, the train saves me a lot of money. In Japan it's quite common for companies to pay for their employees train ticket, so I don't have to pay for commuting to work. And because I get to take the train every day, I don't need a car so I don't have to for example pay for gas, car registration, car maintenance, things like that. Also, I don't have to waste time for parking. Um, the worst thing about the trains is that they're very crowded. Very, very crowded, and sometimes it's hard to get a seat so you have to stand for a long time, and sometimes it smells a bit, but overall I like the trains and I'm really, really fortunate that Japan has such a good system. 我最喜欢日本的一点就是日本拥有非常好的列车系统。我每天早上坐列车去上班,每天晚上坐列车回家。我非常喜欢列车,因为在列车上我可以做我想做的任何事。我可以看书,看报,听音乐,学习日语。嗯,这非常好。我把在列车上的时间看作是我的自由时间,用来做我想做的事情。当然列车也为我节省了不少钱。在日本,公司通常会为员工报销车票,所以我不必为上下班的路费花钱。因为我每天都坐列车,所以我不需要买车,我也不必花钱去加油、进行车辆登记、车辆维护等类似的事情。当然,我也不会把时间浪费在停车上。嗯,列车最糟糕的一点是非常拥挤。非常非常拥挤,有时很难有坐位,所以必须要站很长时间,有时车厢里的味道有些难闻,不过总体来说,我喜欢列车,我非常非常幸运日本有这么好的一个系统。 

1. free time
自由时间;非工作时间,空闲时间; 闲暇;
eg. Please come round again when you have free time. 
eg. Reading occupies most of my free time.
eg. People who use their free time well are usually healthy and happy.
2. save sb. sth.
eg. I'll try to save him the expense of a flight from Perth.
eg. They have save me a lot of trouble.