实战口语情景对话 第191期:坚果农场 Nut Farm(在线收听

 Marion: While I traveling in Australia I went to visit my friend Nicola, um, she's teaching in a school on the East Coast of Australia, so I went to visit her about a month ago and she's staying on a farm, she lives on a macadamia farm, so my friend and I went to visit her and stay at her place, so as part of the deal we had to go out and pick macadamia nuts for two hours every day, so usually we'd get up quite early in the morning and we'd go out and pick macadamia nuts for about an hour, and then just before it got dark in the afternoon or the evening we'd go out and pick nuts again for another hour. It was a lot of fun I think mainly because, you know, it wasn't a proper job. We could take our time and we always had a laugh and a joke while we were there. Um, it was really nice to work outside, for awhile, you know, to work in the sunshine and also I'd never worked with macadamia trees before. Before I'd left Ireland I don't think I'd even heard of macadamia trees, cause I think they're a nut that's native to Australia. I know they're very popular in Hawaii as well. I think they were first cultivated for, for profit reasons in Hawaii. Yeah, so macadamia nuts are really, really tasty, so they're very popular as souvenirs from Australia, so you often get chocolate covered macadamia nuts, or macadamia cookies to bring to your friends when you come home from Australia. What else can you get with Macadamia nuts? You can just eat them on their own as well, they're very, very tasty. When we came back for breakfast, we used to bring a handful of macadamia nuts with us and use the nut cracker to open them up cause they've got a very very hard shell, so even if you throw them on the ground, it's very difficult to open them up, so you have to have a nutcracker, to really crush the shell, and once you open them up inside, they're very white, very pale in color and they almost look like nuggets of white chocolate. It's quite strange and they have a real creamy taste to them, so they're, yeah, probably one of my favorite things to eat in Australia. 玛丽恩:我在澳大利亚旅游的时候去拜访了我的朋友尼古拉,她在澳大利亚东海岸的一所学校教书,我大概一个月前去拜访了她,她住在农场里,一个坚果农场,我和我的朋友去看望了她,而且住在她那里,作为条件,我们每天必须有两个小时出去采摘坚果,通常我们早上很早起床,然后外出一小时采摘坚果,之后在下午或是晚上天黑之前我们会再次外出一小时采摘坚果。我认为那非常有趣,可能主要是因为这并不是一件正式工作。我们通常会不紧不慢地进行,而且采摘的时候经常有说有笑。嗯,在户外工作真的很舒服,你知道,在太阳下工作一小会儿,我以前绝对不会跟坚果树打交道。在我离开爱尔兰以前,我想我根本就没听说过坚果树,因为我认为坚果是澳大利亚特有的。我知道坚果在夏威夷也很普遍。我认为它们最初是因为利润而被种植在夏威夷的。坚果真的非常非常好吃,在澳大利亚它们像纪念品一样受欢迎,在你从澳大利亚返回家乡的时候你可以买坚果巧克力或是坚果饼干送给朋友们。你还可以买到用坚果做的什么?当然你也可以直接吃坚果,真的非常好吃。我们摘完坚果回来吃早饭的时候,通常会吃一些坚果,要用夹碎坚果的钳子来剥壳,因为坚果壳太硬了,即使你把它们扔在地上,也很难把壳剥掉,所以必须要用夹碎坚果的钳子来去掉坚果壳,把壳去掉以后,你会发现这些坚果肉非常白,颜色很淡,看起来就像白巧克力。很奇怪,它们尝起来像奶油的味道,这是我在澳大利亚最喜欢吃的食物之一。 
