实战口语情景对话 第198期:留学加拿大 Studying in Canada(在线收听

 Todd: Steve, I have a friend who wants to go study in Canada. What's the best way for a student to get into a Canadian University? 托德:史蒂夫,我有个朋友想去加拿大学习。学生进入加拿大大学的最好方法是什么? Steve: Well, it all depends on your nationality, and your level of English, in terms of your TOEFL score. If you have a very low TOEFL score then probably your best bet would be to first go to Canada for three to six months and study in an English college there, and try to improve your English. While in Canada you can take practice TOEFL tests, and you can find tutors to help you write essays, then when you return to your home country, if it's Japan, there's lots of good English schools, English tutors in Japan, Korea as well. I'm not too familiar with other countries but basically you have to apply for a student visa. It's usually not that difficult to get. Along with your student visa, you'll have to take a TOEFL test, which requires you to understand grammar. There's a listening portion, um, there's a reading comprehension portion, and the most difficult portion for non-native English speakers is the essay question, because you have to write an essay during the TOEFL test, so I recommend that you practice writing essays and if you want more information I would ask the Canadian Embassy in your country or do a search on the internet where there's lots of information. 史蒂夫:嗯,这要取决你的国籍,你的英语水平,要依据托福成绩来看。如果你的托福成绩很低,那可能你最好的选择就是先去加拿大上语言学校,大概用三个月到六个月的时间来提高你的英语水平。在加拿大你也可以参加托福实践考试,导师会指导你的写作,要是在你的祖国的话,比如说是日本,也有许多好的语言学校和英语导师,当然韩国也是。我对其他国家不太熟悉,不过基本来说,你必须要申请留学签证。通常来说拿到签证不会太难。有了留学签证,还必须要参加托福考试,考试的目的是要求你理解语法。托福考试中有听力部分、阅读理解部分,不过对母语非英语的学生来说最难的部分要属写作了,在托福考试中必须要写作文,所以我建议你们练习写作,如果你想得到更多的信息,可以询问加拿大驻你们国家的大使馆,或是上网搜索一下,那儿有大量的信息。 
