电视英语口语教材 第十七课(在线收听

   [00:00.00]Lesson 17

  [00:06.45]Hello,everybody.I have a few things to tell you.
  [00:11.18]Tomorrow afternoon there will be a talk on current affairs by a reporter from the People’s Daily.
  [00:19.70]He will speak about the situation in South Africa.In the evening he will give us a slide show.
  [00:29.83]A Japanese student delegation will come to visit our school on Friday afternoon.
  [00:36.02]They will come to our class at 2 p.m.If you have any questions about Japanese students’ life,you can discuss with them when they come.
  [00:47.49]One more thing:the day after tomorrow our class team will have a basketball match with Class Three.Let’s all go and cheer for them.
  [00:58.36]That’s all.Thank you.
  [01:03.69]What’s our homework for today?
  [01:06.35]We’ll copy the first two paragraphs of the text and also translate some sentences into English.
  [01:15.02]What shall we do for oral practice?
  [01:18.42]We’ll ask each other questions on the text.
  [01:22.36]Shall we have listening tonight?
  [01:25.29]No,not tonight.We’ll have it tomorrow evening.
  [01:29.60]THE ESKIMOS
  [01:31.74]The Eskimos live near the North Pole.They wear warm clothing all the year round.
  [01:40.18]They make most of it themselves.They make it from the skins of animals.From skins,they make coats and hats and even boots.
  [01:54.36]In this cold climate,trees can’t grow.The Eskimos have to bulid their houses from skins,earth,stone,or snow.
  [02:07.76]When they go hunting,they live in tents of skin.
  [02:13.56]When they are out in storm and can’t get back home,they build houses of snow.
  [02:21.37]They leave these snow houses when the storm is over.
  [02:33.73]a few
  [02:52.09]current affairs
  [03:45.38]one more thing
  [04:02.94]That’s all.
  [04:30.24]each other