电视英语口语教材 第十八课(在线收听

   [00:00.00]Lesson 18

  [00:02.93]THE LIBRARY
  [00:05.25]On our library door are two big sings:
  [00:09.80]No Smoking
  [00:11.78]No Littering
  [00:13.92]Library Hours
  [00:15.99]Monday through Friday     8 a.m.— 10 p.m.
  [00:19.25]星期一至星期五   上午8点——晚上10点
  [00:22.52]Saturday     8 a.m. — 6 p.m.
  [00:25.78]星期六   上午8点——下午6点
  [00:29.05]Sunday    2 p.m. — 10 p.m.
  [00:31.92]星期日   下午2点——晚上10点
  [00:34.80]It is Monday.It is 8 o’clock.Many students are waiting for the library to open.
  [00:44.07]This is not unusual during the examination week.Now the doors are open.
  [00:51.98]The students walk in quietly.The library is always quiet even on very busy days.
  [01:01.88]You are here in the library.You must obey library rules.You mustn’t smoke.You mustn’t little the floor.
  [01:14.81]You can borrow books from the library,but you can’t borrow one without a library card.
  [01:23.93]Sometimes you may want to borrow a book but you don’t know its call number.
  [01:30.12]You may ask the librarian to help you.He will be glad to help.
  [01:39.92]It’s time to clean our room.We must do a good job.
  [01:44.99]Yes,we must.Let me clean the windows.I can do windows very quickly.
  [01:52.38]All right.Then I’ll sweep the floor.Yang Ling can dust the desks and chairs and Wu Ying will take care of the radiators.
  [02:04.45]Those pictures are rather old.Let’s take them down and put up some new ones.
  [02:11.34]That’s a good idea.
  [02:18.66]It is an important day for Alatook,an Eskimo boy.He eats his breakfast quickly.
  [02:26.73]For the first time he is going to hunt seals alone.
  [02:31.38]Alatook steps out of the house.Stars still fill the sky.There is no sound.There is nothing buy sky and ice and snow.
  [02:45.83]Before the sun comes up,Alatook reaches the area where he is going to hunt.
  [02:52.43]He walks along the seashore looking for seals.
  [02:56.82]As he walks over the ice and snow,Alatook keeps looking from side to side.
  [03:05.00]Suddenly he stops.He sees something dark far out on the ice.Can it be a seal?
  [03:13.99]He moves on quietly.As he comes nearer,Alatook can see better.It is a seal!
  [03:24.30]Immediately he gets down on his hands and knees.He creeps slowly along over the ice.
  [03:32.98]All seals are near-sighted.If Alatook is very careful,the seal might mistake him for another seal.
  [03:42.90]It raises its head and looks from side to side.Alatook keeps moving his head from side to side too-just like the seal.
  [03:55.55]Then he stops and scratches the ice as seals sometimes do.
  [04:00.95]The seal seems to feel safe and does not move.Alatook keeps moving nearer.
  [04:09.55]Then he raises his gun to his shoulder,takes careful aim,and pulls the trigger.
  [04:16.94]The seal’s head falls forward onto the ice.Alatook gets to his feet and runs to the seal.
  [04:25.38]What a big one it is!The seal with provide meat for many meals,and it will provide skins and oil as well.
  [05:02.76]wait for
  [06:04.67]library card
  [06:22.22]call number
  [06:38.50]to do a good job
  [06:53.73]to take care of