太阳科普 第10期(在线收听

 Some people feel quite miserable and depressed  有些人一到冬天就觉得忧郁

and gloomy during the winter months.  消沉,诸事不顺
And some people,a small proportion,  少数人甚至
will go on to develop clinically significant depression  会出现明显的忧郁症状
which requires treatment.  而需要治疗
This is Rattenburg,  这是拉登堡
a fairy tale Austrian village cursed by lack of sunlight.  这座恍若童话般的奥地利小镇因缺乏日照而苦
Due to a quirk of geology it gets no sunlight at all  因为地质特性,这里从11月到2月
between November and February.  完全看不到阳光
During those winter months the sun never rises high enough  冬天时太阳的高度永远不会
to clear the brow of Rat mountain.  超过拉登山的陡坡
And the town lies in permanent shadow,  所以小镇被笼罩在阴影中
while it's neighbour across the river basks in the sunshine.  对岸的邻居却沐浴在阳光中
In winter of course it's very cold,  冬天的时候很冷
it's shadow and as you can imagine it's cold,  阴影笼罩,有多冷可想而知
we are freezing and if you want to have some sun  我们要冻僵了,想要晒太阳的话
you have to move to the next village.  必须到隔壁村子去
It makes you happier to sit in the sunlight  坐在阳光下让人身心舒畅
and not to freeze in the shadow.  总比在阴影中受冻好
Frozen and in the dark the residents have been  在黑暗中受冻的居民
forced to take desperate measures to bring  被迫以非常手段
some light into their lives.  让生活中出现光明
Helmar Zangirl is a lighting expert who specialises  照明专家赫马桑果的拿手绝活
in bringing natural light in to some of  就是用自然光
the world's biggest buildings.  为世上最大的一些建筑物照明
He may be the salvation of Rattenburg.  他可能是拉登堡的救主
Evolutionary speaking,  从演化的角度来看
man has adapted to natural light and has adapted to the sun,  人类适应了自然光和太阳
and if you deprive man of the sun er,  若是剥夺了太阳光
clearly it's, it's a different quality of life.  人类的生活品质会大受影响
How do you feel if you sit for one week in a,  要你在浓雾中坐一个星期
a place with fog?  你会有什么感觉?
And how do you feel when you sit for one day  要你在阳光普照的地方坐一天
in a place where the sun shines?  你又会有什么感觉?
I personally feel so much happier in the sunshine,  我个人是觉得晒太阳快乐得多
I can tell you that.  这点可以保证
The solution for Rattenburg is simple.  解决拉登堡的问题其实很简单
Steal some of the sunlight from the other side of the valley.  从对岸偷些日光来就行了
Eventually a huge system of mirrors will reflect the light of  到时一系列的镜子会把太阳光
the sun to a second set of mirrors on the castle above the town  反射到小镇上方城堡的镜子上
and then reflect it down into the streets  然后再反射至下方的街道上
to brighten the lives of the citizens of Rattenburg.  照亮拉登堡居民的生活
Well the main effect for the people in town will be  对镇上居民最主要的影响
that er part of the facades of the buildings  是部分建筑的外观
and parts of the street at least,of the main street,  和部分街道,至少是主街道
will be brightly illuminated and  会被太阳光照亮
will clearly be recognised as sunlight.  从而被清晰地辨识
It sounds crazy but it's true.  这听起来虽然很疯狂,但却一点也不假
People will go to the extraordinary lengths for a bit of sunlight.  人们会为了得到一丝阳光,不惜大费周章