冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第99期:第七章 艾莉亚 (10)(在线收听

 Joffrey said nothing, but a man strange to Arya, a tall knight with black hair and burn scars on his face, pushed forward in front of the prince.  乔佛里没答腔,却有一个身躯高大,半边脸有着明显灼烧痕迹的黑发男子推开旁边的人,挡在王子面前:

This is your prince. Who are you to tell him he may not have an edge on his sword, ser? "爵士先生,这可是你的王太子,你算什么,有何资格要他不准用这不准用那?"
Master-at-arms of Winterfell, Clegane, and you would do well not to forget it. "克里冈,我算临冬城的教头,你最好牢牢记住。"
Are you training women here? the burned man wanted to know. He was muscled like a bull. "你们这儿是专门训练女人的吗?"带烧伤的高个子问,他浑身肌肉,壮得像头牛。
I am training knights, Ser Rodrik said pointedly. They will have steel when they are ready. When they are of an age. "我训练的是骑士,"罗德利克爵士口气锐利地说,"等他们长大成人,技巧足够纯熟,我自会让他们使用真正的武器。"
The burned man looked at Robb. How old are you, boy? 带烧伤的男子转头问罗柏:"小子,你几岁?"
Fourteen, Robb said. "十四岁。"罗柏应道。
I killed a man at twelve. You can be sure it was not with a blunt sword. "我十二岁就杀过人,告诉你,我用的可不是钝剑。"
Arya could see Robb bristle. His pride was wounded. He turned on Ser Rodrik. Let me do it. I can beat him. 艾莉亚看得出罗柏的自尊心已然受创,正火冒三丈,快要按捺不住怒气。他对罗德利克爵士说:"让我用真剑罢,我可以打败他。"
Beat him with a tourney blade, then, Ser Rodrik said. "不,用钝剑打。"罗德利克爵士回答。
Joffrey shrugged. Come and see me when you’re older, Stark. If you’re not too old. There was laughter from the Lannister men. 乔佛里耸耸肩:"史塔克,我看你就等长大之后再来跟我较量好了,不过也别等到走不动了才来喔。"兰尼斯特的人又是一阵哄笑。
Robb’s curses rang through the yard. Arya covered her mouth in shock. Theon Greyjoy seized Robb’s arm to keep him away from the prince.  罗柏的咒骂响彻整个校场。艾莉亚吃惊地捂住嘴巴。席恩·葛雷乔伊捉住罗柏的手,没让他朝王子冲去,
Ser Rodrik tugged at his whiskers in dismay. 罗德利克爵士则忧心忡忡地捻着胡子。
Joffrey feigned a yawn and turned to his younger brother. Come, Tommen, he said. The hour of play is done. Leave the children to their frolics. 乔佛里装模作样地打个呵欠,然后转身对他弟弟说:"走罢,托曼,游戏时间结束了。让孩子们留下来继续玩吧。"