冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第160期:第十二章 艾德(13)(在线收听

   The king threw back his head and roared. His laughter startled a flight of crows from the tall brown grass. They took to the air in a wild beating of wings.  国王仰头大笑,笑声惊起栖息在附近棕褐长草丛里的乌鸦群,它们嘎嘎惊叫,振翅腾空。

  You think I should mistrust Lannister because he sat on my throne for a few moments? "只因为兰尼斯特那小子在我的王位上坐了几分钟,你就叫我别信任他?"
  He shook with laughter again. Jaime was all of seventeen, Ned. Scarce more than a boy.” 他再度放声狂笑,"得了罢,奈德,詹姆当年才十七岁,还是个大孩子。"
  Boy or man, he had no right to that throne.” "不管他是孩子还是成人,都无权坐上王位。"
  Perhaps he was tired,Robert suggested. Killing kings is weary work. Gods know, there’s no place else to rest your ass in that damnable room.  "或许他累了,"劳勃帮他开脱:"杀国王可不是件轻松差事,那该死的大厅里又没别的地方摆屁股。
  And he spoke truly, it is a monstrous uncomfortable chair. In more ways than one.The king shook his head.  其实,他说的一点不错,不管从哪方面来看,那都是张既狰狞又不舒服的椅子。"国王摇摇头,
  Well, now I know Jaime’s dark sin, and the matter can be forgotten. I am heartily sick of secrets and squabbles and matters of state, Ned.  "好了,如今我知道詹姆不为人知的恶行了,以后就忘了此事。奈德,
  It’s all as tedious as counting coppers. Come, let’s ride, you used to know how. I want to feel the wind in my hair again. 我对管理国政和机心巧诈实在反胃透顶,全是些跟数铜板没两样的无聊事。来,咱们来好好骑上一段,你从前可是很会骑马的,咱们再尝尝大风在发梢奔驰的爽劲儿。"
  He kicked his horse back into motion galloped up over the barrow, raining earth down behind him. 说完他再度策马前驱,扬长而去,越过坟冢,马蹄在身后溅起如雨泥花。
  For a moment Ned did not follow. He had run out of words, and he was filled with a vast sense of helplessness.  奈德并未立即跟上。他已经费尽唇舌,此刻只觉得心中充满无边的无助感。
  Not for the first time, he wondered what he was doing here and why he had come.  他不止一次地质疑自己到底在做什么,走这一遭又究竟所为何事。
  He was no Jon Arryn, to curb the wildness of his king and teach him wisdom.  他不是琼恩·艾林,无法约束国王的野性,教导他以智慧。
  Robert would do what he pleased, as he always had, and nothing Ned could say or do would change that.  劳勃终究会任性而为,一如既往,奈德不论好说歹说都改变不了事实。
  He belonged in Winterfell. He belonged with Catelyn in her grief, and with Bran. 他的归宿是临冬城,是哀伤的凯特琳,是他的爱子布兰啊。
  A man could not always be where he belonged, though. Resigned, Eddard Stark put his boots into his horse and set off after the king. 但凡事毕竟不可能尽如人意。艾德·史塔克心意已决,便一踢马肚,朝国王奔去。