冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第199期:第十五章 珊莎(16)(在线收听

   The noises grew louder and more distinct, the clack of wood on wood, and as they grew closer they heard heavy breathing as well, and now and then a grunt. 噪音越来越大,也越来越清晰,的确是木头碰撞的声响。待他们骑得更近,还听见沉重的喘气和隔三差五的闷哼。

  Someone's there, Sansa said anxiously. She found herself thinking of Lady, wishing the direwolf was with her. 那儿有人。珊莎不安地说。她发现自己想着淑女,盼望她的冰原狼此刻陪在身边。
  You're safe with me. Joffrey drew his Lion's Tooth from its sheath. The sound of steel on leather made her tremble.  有我在不用怕。乔佛里从剑鞘里拔出'狮牙',金属和皮革的摩擦却让她浑身颤抖。
  This way, he said, riding through a stand of trees. 走这边。说着他策马穿过一排树林。
  Beyond, in a clearing overlooking the river, they came upon a boy and a girl playing at knights.  树林那端有片空地,地势恰好俯瞰河流。他们在这里找到一对正玩着骑士游戏的男孩女孩,
  Their swords were wooden sticks, broom handles from the look of them, and they were rushing across the grass, swinging at each other lustily.  两人正以木棍为剑,在草地上横冲直撞,精力充沛地相互砍杀。
  The boy was years older, a head taller, and much stronger, and he was pressing the attack. 男孩的年龄要大几岁,个子则足足高出一头,体格也强壮许多,处于发动攻势的一方。
  The girl, a scrawny thing in soiled leathers, was dodging and managing to get her stick in the way of most of the boy's blows, but not all.  女孩一身干瘦,穿着脏兮兮的皮衣,正手忙脚乱地抵挡男孩的攻击,却无法完全避开。
  When she tried to lunge at him, he caught her stick with his own, swept it aside, and slid his wood down hard on her fingers. She cried out and lost her weapon. 当她试图反击时,被对方用剑挡住,并将她的剑往旁一扫,顺势用力劈她手指。她痛得立刻丢下武器大叫。
  Prince Joffrey laughed. The boy looked around, wide-eyed and startled, and dropped his stick in the grass.  乔佛里王子哈哈大笑。男孩睁大眼睛吃惊地转过头来,随即一松手,木棍落地。
  The girl glared at them, sucking on her knuckles to take the sting out, and Sansa was horrified. Arya? she called out incredulously. 女孩瞪着他们,一边吮着指关节想把刺吸出来,珊莎吓坏了。艾莉亚,是你吗?她难以置信地惊呼道。
  Go away, Arya shouted back at them, angry tears in her eyes. What are you doing here? Leave us alone. 走开。艾莉亚眼里满是愤怒的泪水,大声地朝他们嚷嚷,你们来这里做什么?不要管我们的事。