冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第206期:第十六章 艾德(4)(在线收听

   Yes it is! Prince Joffrey insisted. They all attacked me, and she threw Lion's Tooth in the river!  明明就是这样!乔佛里王子坚持,他们一起围攻我,她还把狮牙丢进河里!

  Ned noticed that he did not so much as glance at Arya as he spoke. 奈德发觉他说话时正眼都不瞧艾莉亚一眼。
  Liar! Arya yelled. 你说谎!艾莉亚大叫。
  Shut up! the prince yelled back. 够了!国王大吼着从椅子上站起来,
  Enough! the king roared, rising from his seat, his voice thick with irritation.  声音里充满了恼怒。四周立时安静,
  Silence fell. He glowered at Arya through his thick beard. Now, child, you will tell me what happened.  他吹胡子瞪眼地对艾莉亚说:孩子,你现在把事情经过告诉我,原原本本地告诉我,老老实实地讲。
  Tell it all, and tell it true. It is a great crime to lie to a king. Then he looked over at his son.  要知道欺骗国王可是滔天大罪。然后他转向儿子,
  When she is done, you will have your turn. Until then, hold your tongue. 等她说完自然会轮到你,在那之前,你给我把嘴闭上。
  As Arya began her story, Ned heard the door open behind him. 当艾莉亚开始陈述事情始末时,奈德听见身后大门开启。
  He glanced back and saw Vayon Poole enter with Sansa. They stood quietly at the back of the hall as Arya spoke.  他往后一瞄,只见维扬·普尔带着珊莎走了进来。他们静静地站在厅堂后方听艾莉亚说话。
  When she got to the part where she threw Joffrey's sword into the middle of the Trident, Renly Baratheon began to laugh.  当她说到把乔佛里的剑丢进三叉戟河那段时,蓝礼·拜拉席恩忍不住哈哈大笑,
  The king bristled. Ser Barristan, escort my brother from the hall before he chokes. 国王则怒发冲冠,巴利斯坦爵士,请护送我弟弟出去,免得他笑岔了气。
  Lord Renly stifled his laughter. My brother is too kind. I can find the door myself.  蓝礼公爵止住笑。哥哥真是太周到了。我自己可以找到路。
  He bowed to Joffrey. Perchance later you'll tell me how a nine-year-old girl the size of a wet rat managed to disarm you with a broom handle and throw your sword in the river. 他朝乔佛里一鞠躬,待会儿你或许可以告诉我,一个干巴巴的九岁小女生究竟是怎么用扫把棍打落你的武器,然后丢进河里的。
  As the door swung shut behind him, Ned heard him say, Lion's Tooth, and guffaw once more. 大门关闭之际,奈德还听见他说:好个'狮牙'.说完又是大笑不已。