冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第223期:第十八章 凯特琳(5)(在线收听

   Three hundred years ago, Catelyn knew, those heights had been covered with forest,  凯特琳知道三百年前这片高地完全被森林覆盖,

  and only a handful of fisherfolk had lived on the north shore of the Blackwater Rush where that deep, swift river flowed into the sea.  只有零星的渔夫在水流湍急、深涌入海的黑水河北岸定居。
  Then Aegon the Conqueror had sailed from Dragonstone.  后来征服者伊耿自龙石岛渡海而来,
  It was here that his army had put ashore, and there on the highest hill that he built his first crude redoubt of wood and earth. 他的军队便是在此处登陆,随后他在最高的丘陵顶端用木材和泥土筑起了他第一座粗糙的防御堡垒。
  Now the city covered the shore as far as Catelyn could see; manses and arbors and granaries,  而今凯特琳视线所及,皆已成为繁华城区,
  brick storehouses and timbered inns and merchant's stalls, taverns and graveyards and brothels, all piled one on another.  豪宅、凉亭、谷仓、砖砌仓库、木屋旅店和市集摊位,酒馆、墓园和妓院,一座接着一座。
  She could hear the clamor of the fish market even at this distance.  即使距离尚远,她仍可听见渔市里的喧闹。
  Between the buildings were broad roads lined with trees, wandering crookback streets, and alleys so narrow that two men could not walk abreast.  宽阔的林荫大道,蜿蜒的曲折小街,还有窄得无法容纳两人并肩通行的巷弄穿梭在建筑物之间。
  Visenya's hill was crowned by the Great Sept of Baelor with its seven crystal towers.  圣贝勒大教堂的大理石墙环绕着维桑尼亚丘陵顶,七座水晶塔楼耸立其中。
  Across the city on the hill of Rhaenys stood the blackened walls of the Dragonpit, its huge dome collapsing into ruin, its bronze doors closed now for a century.  彼端的雷妮丝丘陵上,坐落着龙穴焦黑的残垣断壁,倒塌的巨大圆顶废墟,紧闭一世纪之久的青铜大门。
  The Street of the Sisters ran between them, straight as an arrow. The city walls rose in the distance, high and strong. 两丘之间,静默姐妹街笔直如箭,坚实的围城高墙则环绕在外。
  A hundred quays lined the waterfront, and the harbor was crowded with ships. 百余座码头罗列水滨,港口里停泊着无数船只。