冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第260期:第十八章 赫德(6)(在线收听

   Our good King Robert has many cares, Varys said. He entrusts some small matters to us, to lighten his load. 我们亲爱的劳勃国王有太多事情需要操心,瓦里斯说,所以便将鸡毛蒜皮小事交给我们,以减轻负担。

  What Lord Varys means is that all this business of coin and crops and justice bores my royal brother to tears, Lord Renly said, so it falls to us to govern the realm.  瓦里斯大人的意思是说,凡是牵涉财政、农获和律法的事务,我王兄听了就头痛。蓝礼公爵道,所以管理国家就落到我们头上了。
  He does send us a command from time to time. He drew a tightly rolled paper from his sleeve and laid it on the table.  他倒是不忘记时不时交代些什么下来。他从袖子里抽出一张裹紧的纸放在桌上。
  This morning he commanded me to ride ahead with all haste and ask Grand Maester Pycelle to convene this council at once.  比如今天早上,他吩咐我提前全速进城,请派席尔大学士立刻召开这次会议。
  He has an urgent task for us. 他有项紧急差事交给我们办。
  Littlefinger smiled and handed the paper to Ned.  小指头微笑着将信笺交给奈德,
  It bore the royal seal. Ned broke the wax with his thumb and flattened the letter to consider the king's urgent command, reading the words with mounting disbelief.  上面盖了王家印信。奈德用拇指揭开蜡印,摊平信纸,想看看国王的紧急命令究竟是什么。他越读越难以置信,
  Was there no end to Robert's folly? And to do this in his name, that was salt in the wound. Gods be good, he swore. 劳勃到底要胡闹到什么地步才罢休?还是以他的名义,这简直是雪上加霜。天杀的,他不禁咒道。
  What Lord Eddard means to say, Lord Renly announced, is that His Grace instructs us to stage a great tournament in honor of his appointment as the Hand of the King. 奈德大人的意思是说,蓝礼公爵宣布,国王陛下指示我们举办一次盛大的比武竞技,以庆祝新首相上任。
  How much? asked Littlefinger, mildly. 要花多少钱?小指头兴趣索然地问。
  Ned read the answer off the letter. Forty thousand golden dragons to the champion.  奈德从信上念出答案:优胜者赏四万金龙币,
  Twenty thousand to the man who comes second, another twenty to the winner of the melee, and ten thousand to the victor of the archery competition. 居次者赏两万金龙币。团体近身战的优胜者也是两万,射箭优胜则是一万。