冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第270期:第十八章 赫德(16)(在线收听

   A fool I may be, Stark?yet I'm still here, while your brother has been moldering in his frozen grave for some fourteen years now.  史塔克,我蠢是蠢…可还活得好好的,令兄倒已经在冰封的坟墓里发霉了十四年。

  If you are so eager to molder beside him, far be it from me to dissuade you, but I would rather not be included in the party, thank you very much. 你这么迫不及待要步他后尘,我也无法劝阻,不过我先声明,你可千万别把我牵扯进去,非常感谢。
  You would be the last man I would willingly include in any party, Lord Baelish. 很好,贝里席大人,不管我做什么,最不想与之为伍的人就是你。
  You wound me deeply. Littlefinger placed a hand over his heart.  这话我听了好伤心啊。小指头伸手按住心口。
  For my part, I always found you Starks a tiresome lot, but Cat seems to have become attached to you, for reasons I cannot comprehend.  我自己嘛,总觉得你们史塔克家的人实在无趣得很,但凯特不知怎地始终离不开你。
  I shall try to keep you alive for her sake. A fool's task, admittedly, but I could never refuse your wife anything. 所以呢,为着她的缘故,我会尽量不让你送命。说来只有笨蛋才会这么做,但我就是没法拒绝你老婆的任何请求。
  I told Petyr our suspicions about Jon Arryn's death, Catelyn said. He has promised to help you find the truth.  我把我们关于琼恩·艾林死因的怀疑告诉了培提尔。凯特琳道,他答应协助你调查真相。
  That was not news that Eddard Stark welcomed, but it was true enough that they needed help, and Littlefinger had been almost a brother to Cat once.  对艾德·史塔克而言,这并非好消息,不过他们确实需要援手,而小指头和凯特曾经情同姐弟。
  It would not be the first time that Ned had been forced to make common cause with a man he despised.  再说这也不是奈德第一次被迫与他所轻视的人妥协了。
  Very well, he said, thrusting the dagger into his belt. You spoke of Varys. Does the eunuch know all of it? 好罢,他把匕首插进腰带,你刚说到瓦里斯,他也知道整件事的来龙去脉?
  Not from my lips, Catelyn said. You did not wed a fool, Eddard Stark. But Varys has ways of learning things that no man could know.  如果知道,也一定不是我说的。凯特琳道,艾德·史塔克,你娶的人可不笨。但瓦里斯有办法知道别人不可能知道的事。
  He has some dark art, Ned, I swear it. 奈德,我相信这家伙懂得妖术。
  He has spies, that is well known, Ned said, dismissive. 他的走狗满天下,这是众所周知的事。奈德鄙夷地说。