冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第284期:第十八章 赫德(30)(在线收听

   He had to wait what seemed an eternity, standing there inside the bars with the Wall to his back.  他就这么靠着长城,站在条条铁栅里,漫无止尽地等待。

  Long enough for Tyrion to begin to wonder why he was doing this.  到后来,提利昂不禁怀疑自己为何自讨苦吃。
  He had just about decided to forget his sudden whim and go to bed when the cage gave a jerk and began to ascend. 最后他终于决定忘记这偶发的奇想,打道回府去睡觉时,铁笼却猛地一晃,开始上升。
  He moved upward slowly, by fits and starts at first, then more smoothly.  他缓缓上升,起初颠簸不已,后来渐趋平稳。
  The ground fell away beneath him, the cage swung, and Tyrion wrapped his hands around the iron bars.  地面离提利昂脚底越来越远,铁笼不断摇晃,他紧握铁条,
  He could feel the cold of the metal even through his gloves.  而即使隔着手套都能感觉金属的寒意。
  Morrec had a fire burning in his room, he noted with approval, but the Lord Commander's tower was dark.  他注意到莫里斯已经在房里生起炉火,心中暗自赞许。
  The Old Bear had more sense than he did, it seemed. 总司令的塔楼卧室则一片漆黑,看来熊老脑筋比他迟钝多了。
  Then he was above the towers, still inching his way upward. Castle Black lay below him, etched in moonlight.  铁笼高过塔楼,继续向高处缓缓攀升。黑城堡就在他脚下,镂刻于月光中。
  You could see how stark and empty it was from up here; windowless keeps, crumbling walls, courtyards choked with broken stone.  居高临下,你才发现它那些没有窗户的堡垒,崩塌的围墙,遍布碎石的庭院有多么僵直、多么空洞。
  Farther off, he could see the lights of Mole's Town, the little village half a league south along the kingsroad, and here and there the bright glitter of moonlight on water where icy streams descended from the mountain heights to cut across the plains.  远处,他看到南边的国王大道上,距此半里格之遥的鼹鼠小村的灯火,以及此起彼落,自山间倾注而下,贯穿平原的冰冷溪流,水面闪烁,月光映照。
  The rest of the world was a bleak emptiness of windswept hills and rocky fields spotted with snow. 除此之外,世界便是一片由饱受冷风摧残的丘陵,嶙峋危岩和缀着残雪的野地构成的无尽荒芜。
  Finally a thick voice behind him said, Seven hells, it's the dwarf, and the cage jerked to a sudden stop and hung there, swinging slowly back and forth, the ropes creaking. 这时他身后传来一个粗厚的声音,"他妈的,是那个矮子。"接着铁笼一阵猛烈颠簸,瞬间停止不动,悬挂在半空,缓缓地来回摇晃,绳索咯吱作响。