乔布斯传 第387期:阿梅里奥出局(8)(在线收听

   Steve Wozniak, who was himself now an informal advisor to the company, 史蒂夫·沃兹尼亚克当时是公司的非正式顾问,

  was thrilled that Jobs was coming back. (He forgave easily.) 知道乔布斯要回来他很兴奋。(他是一个轻易宽恕的人)
  "It was just what we needed," he said, "because whatever you think of Steve, he knows how to get the magic back." “这正是我们所需要的,”他说,“因为不管你对史蒂夫怎么看,他就是知道如何重现魔力。”
  Nor did Jobs's triumph over Amelio surprise him. 他对乔布斯战胜阿梅里奥丝毫不觉得奇怪。
  As he told Wired shortly after it happened, "Gil Amelio meets Steve Jobs, game over." 如不久以后他对《连线》杂志所说:“吉尔·阿梅里奥遇到史蒂夫·乔布斯,比赛就结束了。”
  That Monday Apple's top employees were summoned to the auditorium. 周一,苹果的高级雇员被召集到礼堂。
  Amelio came in looking calm and relaxed. 阿梅里奥看起来很平静,甚至很放松。
  "Well, I'm sad to report that it's time for me to move on," he said. “很遗憾地通知大家,我离开的时间到了。”他说。
  Fred Anderson, who had agreed to be interim CEO, spoke next, and he made it clear that he would be taking his cues from Jobs. 接下来,轮到接受了代理CEO职务的弗雷德·安德森讲话,他明确表示他会在乔布斯的指导下工作。
  Then, exactly twelve years since he had lost power in a July 4 weekend struggle, Jobs walked back onstage at Apple. 这样,自从整整12年前7月4日那个周末丧失大权后,乔布斯重新登上了苹果的舞台。
  It immediately became clear that, whether or not he wanted to admit it publicly (or even to himself), 事实很明显,无论是否愿意公开承认(或甚至向他自己承认),
  Jobs was going to take control and not be a mere advisor. 他都即将控制大局,而不仅仅是当一个“顾问”。
  As soon as he came onstage that day -- wearing shorts, sneakers, and a black turtleneck 那天他一登上舞台,穿着短裤、运动鞋和他标志性的黑色套头衫,
  he got to work reinvigorating his beloved institution. 就开始再次激发他热爱的这家公司的活力。
  "Okay, tell me what's wrong with this place," he said. “好了,告诉我这个地方出了什么问题。”他说。
  There were some murmurings, but Jobs cut them off. 下面有些窃窃私语,乔布斯打断了他们。
  "It's the products!" he answered. "So what's wrong with the products?" “是产品出了问题!”他回答,“那么产品出了什么问题?”
  Again there were a few attempts at an answer, until Jobs broke in to hand down the correct answer. 下面又有些人尝试回答,乔布斯给出了正确答案。
  "The products suck!" he shouted. "There's no sex in them anymore!" “产品糟透了!”他嚷道,“它们不再性感了!”