冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第334期:第二十一章 布兰(11)(在线收听

   My brother is not here to answer questions, Lannister, Robb said curtly. Do your business and be on your way. 兰尼斯特,我弟弟可不是来接受盘查的。罗柏不客气地说。把要说的说完,然后赶紧离开。

  I have a gift for you, the dwarf said to Bran. Do you like to ride, boy? 我有件礼物要送你,侏儒对布兰说,小子,你喜欢骑马吗?
  Maester Luwin came forward. My lord, the child has lost the use of his legs. He cannot sit a horse. 鲁温师傅上前道:大人,这孩子的腿已经不能用了,他没办法骑马啊。
  Nonsense, said Lannister. With the right horse and the right saddle, even a cripple can ride. 见鬼,兰尼斯特说,只要有合适的马匹和鞍具,就算残废也能骑。
  The word was a knife through Bran's heart. He felt tears come unbidden to his eyes. I'm not a cripple! 这句话如利刃刺进布兰心坎。他只觉泪水不听使唤地充满眼眶。我不是残废!
  Then I am not a dwarf, the dwarf said with a twist of his mouth. My father will rejoice to hear it. Greyjoy laughed. 那我也不是侏儒啰。侏儒撇撇嘴,老爸听了不知多高兴。葛雷乔伊在旁哈哈大笑。
  What sort of horse and saddle are you suggesting? Maester Luwin asked. 您说的是什么样的马匹和鞍具呢?鲁温师傅问。
  A smart horse, Lannister replied. The boy cannot use his legs to command the animal, so you must shape the horse to the rider, teach it to respond to the reins, to the voice.  一匹聪明的马。兰尼斯特答道,这孩子没法用腿指挥坐骑,所以你们得让马儿去适应他,教它懂得缰绳的含意,认识主人的声音。
  I would begin with an unbroken yearling, with no old training to be unlearned. He drew a rolled paper from his belt.  我建议从未参加训练的一岁小马开始,这样就不用废弃之前的练习重头教起。他从腰带里抽出一张卷好的纸。
  Give this to your saddler. He will provide the rest. 把这个交给你们的马鞍师傅,照着做就行了。
  Maester Luwin took the paper from the dwarfs hand, curious as a small grey squirrel. He unrolled it, studied it.  鲁温师傅像只好奇的小灰松鼠般从侏儒手中接过纸片,展开阅读。我懂了。大人您画得很清楚。
  I see. You draw nicely, my lord. Yes, this ought to work. I should have thought of this myself. 没错,这应该行得通,我早该想到的。
  It came easier to me, Maester. It is not terribly unlike my own saddles. 师傅,由我想比较容易。因为这该死的东西和我自己的马鞍相去不远。