冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第335期:第二十一章 布兰(12)(在线收听

   Will I truly be able to ride? Bran asked. He wanted to believe them, but he was afraid. Perhaps it was just another lie.  我真能骑马吗?布兰问。他好想相信他们,却又生怕这是骗局一场。

  The crow had promised him that he could fly. 乌鸦还说他能飞呢。
  You will, the dwarf told him. And I swear to you, boy, on horseback you will be as tall as any of them. 没问题。侏儒告诉他:而且我向你保证,小子,骑在马上,你跟别人一样高。
  Robb Stark seemed puzzled. Is this some trap, Lannister? What's Bran to you? Why should you want to help him? 罗柏·史塔克一脸迷惑。兰尼斯特,你耍什么把戏?布兰跟你有何干系?你为什么要帮他?
  Your brother Jon asked it of me. And I have a tender spot in my heart for cripples and bastards and broken things. Tyrion Lannister placed a hand over his heart and grinned. 是你琼恩老弟求我的。而就我自己来说,特别同情杂种,残废和其他缺陷怪胎。提利昂·兰尼斯特捂住心口嘻嘻笑道。
  The door to the yard flew open. Sunlight came streaming across the hall as Rickon burst in, breathless.  这时通往广场的门突然轰地敞开。阳光射进大厅,瑞肯上气不接下气地冲了进来,冰原狼群跟在旁边。
  The direwolves were with him. The boy stopped by the door, wide-eyed, but the wolves came on. Their eyes found Lannister, or perhaps they caught his scent.  他睁大双眼停在门口,但狼却没停下,他们的眼睛盯上兰尼斯特,嗅到了他的气味。
  Summer began to growl first. Grey Wind picked it up. They padded toward the little man, one from the right and one from the left. 夏天首先龇牙咧嘴,灰风也立刻跟进。他们一左一右,朝小矮子步步进逼。
  The wolves do not like your smell, Lannister, Theon Greyioy commented. 兰尼斯特,看来这几只狼不太喜欢你的味道哪。席恩·葛雷乔伊评论。
  Perhaps it's time I took my leave, Tyrion said. He took a step backward...and Shaggydog came out of the shadows behind him, snarling.  或许我该走了。提利昂说。他向后退开一步……突然毛毛狗从他背后的阴影里咆哮跳出。
  Lannister recoiled, and Summer lunged at him from the other side.  兰尼斯特急忙转身,夏天又从另外一边朝他扑去。
  He reeled away, unsteady on his feet, and Grey Wind snapped at his arm, teeth ripping at his sleeve and tearing loose a scrap of cloth. 他蹒跚地躲开,脚步踉跄,灰风开始撕扯他的手臂,利齿咬破衣袖,扯下一块布。
  No! Bran shouted from the high seat as Lannister's men reached for their steel. Summer, here. Summer, to me! 住手!眼看兰尼斯特家的随从纷纷伸手拔剑,布兰连忙从高位上喊道,夏天,过来。夏天,到我这边来!