冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第340期:第二十二章 琼恩(2)(在线收听

   It was soon revealed that the new recruit had brought his own armor with him; padded doublet, boiled leather, mail and plate and helm,  众人很快便发现这新兵自己带来了全套行头:加衬垫的上衣,煮过的硬皮甲,铁铠和头盔,

  even a great wood-and-leather shield blazoned with the same striding huntsman he wore on his surcoat.  还有个包皮的大木盾,上面同样刻着他衣服上那个健步猎人纹章。
  As none of it was black, however, Ser Alliser insisted that he reequip himself from the armory.  由于这身装备没一件是黑的,艾里沙爵士便坚持要那新兵到武器库去换一套。
  That took half the morning. His girth required Donal Noye to take apart a mail hauberk and refit it with leather panels at the sides.  这一换就是半早上。因为他的腰围太粗,唐纳·诺伊只好拆开整件胸甲,再帮他前后套上,两边用皮绳捆住。
  To get a helm over his head the armorer had to detach the visor.  为了帮他戴上头盔,面罩便保不住。
  His leathers bound so tightly around his legs and under his arms that he could scarcely move.  他的皮护手和绑腿紧紧地绑在四肢上,使他几乎动弹不得。
  Dressed for battle, the new boy looked like an overcooked sausage about to burst its skin.  全副武装之后,新来的小子看起来活像条煮得过熟的香肠,随时可能爆开。
  Let us hope you are not as inept as you look, Ser Alliser said. Halder, see what Ser Piggy can do. 希望你不像看起来那么不中用,艾里沙爵士道,霍德,试试猪头爵士有多厉害。
  Jon Snow winced. Halder had been born in a quarry and apprenticed as a stonemason.  琼恩·雪诺听了立刻皱起眉头。
  He was sixteen, tall and muscular, and his blows were as hard as any Jon had ever felt.  霍德在采石场里出生,当过石匠的学徒,今年十六岁,高大又结实,打起人来下手很重,琼恩还没尝过更厉害的拳头。
  This will be uglier than a whore's ass, Pyp muttered, and it was. 这下有人要他妈的倒大霉了。派普喃喃道,事情果真如他所料。
  The fight lasted less than a minute before the fat boy was on the ground, his whole body shaking as blood leaked through his shattered helm and between his pudgy fingers.  打斗不到一分钟就告结束。胖子倒在地上,血从碎掉的头盔和肥短的手指间流出来,他全身都在颤抖。
  I yield, he shrilled. No more, I yield, don't hit me. Rast and some of the other boys were laughing. 我投降,他尖叫,别打了,我投降,不要打我。雷斯特和其他几个男孩哄笑成一团。