冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第348期:第二十二章 琼恩(10)(在线收听

   Ours is a striding huntsman, Samwell Tarly said. 我们家是健步猎人。山姆威尔·塔利说。

  Do you like to hunt? 你喜欢打猎?
  The fat boy shuddered. I hate it. He looked as though he was going to cry again. 胖男孩听了浑身发抖,最讨厌了,他似乎又要哭起来。
  What's wrong now? Jon asked him. Why are you always so frightened? 又怎么了?琼恩问他,你怎么老是怕东怕西?
  Sam stared at the last of his pork pie and gave a feeble shake of his head, too scared even to talk.  山姆盯着最后一个猪肉馅饼,虚弱地摇摇头,吓得连话都不敢说。
  A burst of laughter filled the hall. Jon heard Pyp squeaking in a high voice.He stood. Let's go outside. 大厅里突然响起一阵哄笑,琼恩听到派普用假音发出怪叫。他站起身。我们出去吧。
  The round fat face looked up at him, suspicious. Why? What will we do outside? 肥大的圆脸抬起来,狐疑地看着他。干嘛?出去做什么?
  Talk, Jon said. Have you seen the Wall? 聊天。琼恩道,你看到长城了吗?
  I'm fat, not blind, Samwell Tarly said. Of course I saw it, it's seven hundred feet high.  我胖虽胖,眼睛可没瞎。山姆威尔·塔利说,我当然看见了,它有七百尺高哩。
  Yet he stood up all the same, wrapped a fur-lined cloak over his shoulders, and followed Jon from the common hall, still wary, as if he suspected some cruel trick was waiting for him in the night.  但他还是站了起来,裹起一件绒毛滚边的披风,随琼恩走出大厅。他依旧提心吊胆,仿佛怀疑有什么卑劣的恶作剧在门外的暗夜等候他。
  Ghost padded along beside them. I never thought it would be like this, Sam said as they walked, his words steaming in the cold air.  白灵跟在他们身边。我真没想到是这样,山姆边走边说,呼息在冷气里凝成白雾。
  Already he was huffing and puffing as he tried to keep up. All the buildings are falling down, and it's so...so... 他光是跟上脚步,就已经累得气喘吁吁。所有的房舍都破败不堪,而且这儿好…好…
  Cold? A hard frost was settling over the castle, and Jon could hear the soft crunch of grey weeds beneath his boots. 好冷?厚厚的冻霜正逐渐笼罩城堡,琼恩感觉得到灰色的野草在他脚下咯啦碎裂。
  Sam nodded miserably. I hate the cold, he said. Last night I woke up in the dark and the fire had gone out and I was certain I was going to freeze to death by morning. 山姆悲苦地点头。我最怕冷了,他说,昨晚我半夜醒来,屋里黑漆漆的,火也熄了,我本以为等到今早上,自己一定会活活冻死。