冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第353期:第二十二章 琼恩(15)(在线收听

   His passions were books and kittens and dancing, clumsy as he was. But he grew ill at the sight of blood, and wept to see even a chicken slaughtered.  他的兴趣在于读书以及和小猫玩耍,手脚笨拙的他,却又反常地热爱舞蹈。只是他见了血就反胃,连看杀鸡都会哭。

  A dozen masters-at-arms came and went at Horn Hill, trying to turn Samwell into the knight his father wanted. The boy was cursed and caned, slapped and starved.  角陵的教头来了又去,试图将山姆威尔变成他父亲所期望的骁勇骑士。这孩子受过骂也挨过棍,尝过耳光也熬过饿。
  One man had him sleep in his chainmail to make him more martial. Another dressed him in his mother's clothing and paraded him through the bailey to shame him into valor.  有个人叫他穿着锁子甲睡觉,好让他习惯军中生活。另一个人则叫他穿上母亲的衣服,绕城示众,用羞辱来激发他的男子气概。
  He only grew fatter and more frightened, until Lord Randyll's disappointment turned to anger and then to loathing.  结果他却越来越胖,胆子越变越小,最后蓝道伯爵的失望转成愤怒,终至厌恶。
  One time, Sam confided, his voice dropping from a whisper, two men came to the castle, warlocks from Qarth with white skin and blue lips.  有一次,山姆透露,他的声音像是悄悄话。从魁尔斯来了两个白皮肤蓝嘴唇的男巫,他们杀了一头野公牛,
  They slaughtered a bull aurochs and made me bathe in the hot blood, but it didn't make me brave as they'd promised. I got sick and retched. Father had them scourged. 然后把我浸在温热的鲜血里,可我并没有像他们所说的那样变勇敢,我只觉得恶心,呕吐。结果父亲教他们两个都吃了顿鞭子。
  Finally, after three girls in as many years, Lady Tarly gave her lord husband a second son.  在接连三年生出三个女儿后,塔利夫人终于又为伯爵产下第二个儿子。
  From that day, Lord Randyll ignored Sam, devoting all his time to the younger boy, a fierce, robust child more to his liking.  从那天起,蓝道伯爵便不再理会山姆,而把全副精神都投注在这个年纪较小、强壮又有活力,怎么看都更讨他欢喜的儿子身上。
  Samwell had known several years of sweet peace with his music and his books. 于是山姆威尔度过了几年甜美的安逸岁月,沉浸在音乐和书本中。