冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第381期:第二十三章 艾德(22)(在线收听

   Ser Rodrik came for her just as the bell ceased its clangor.  钟声停止,罗德利克爵士过来敲她房门。

  We had best make haste if we hope to eat tonight, my lady. 夫人,我们快下去罢,不然恐怕吃不到东西了。
  It might be safer if we were not knight and lady until we pass the Neck, she told him.  过颈泽之前,我们不以爵士、夫人相称会比较安全,她告诉他,
  Common travelers attract less notice.  扮成寻常旅人不会引人注意。
  A father and daughter taken to the road on some family business, say. 嗯,就说我们是父女出门探亲好了。
  As you say, my lady, Ser Rodrik agreed.  那就这样办,夫人。罗德利克爵士刚表同意,
  It was only when she laughed that he realized what he'd done.  凯特琳便笑了起来,他才恍然大悟自己又说错了话。
  The old courtesies die hard, my, my daughter.  习惯了,一时真改不过来,夫…女儿。
  He tried to tug on his missing whiskers, and sighed with exasperation. 他伸手想捻他早已不见的胡子,不由得困窘地叹气。
  Catelyn took his arm. Come, Father, she said.  凯特琳挽起他的手。来罢,老爹,她说,
  You'll find that Masha Heddle sets a good table, I think, but try not to praise her.  玛莎·海德烧得一手好菜,我想你会喜欢的。
  You truly don't want to see her smile. 不过千万别当面夸她,她那张笑脸还是不看为妙。
  The common room was long and drafty, with a row of huge wooden kegs at one end and a fireplace at the other.  大厅很长,通风良好,一边立着一排大木酒桶,另一边则是火炉。
  A serving boy ran back and forth with skewers of meat while Masha drew beer from the kegs, chewing her sourleaf all the while. 跑堂小弟拿着烤肉叉子跑来跑去,玛莎从酒桶里倒出啤酒,嘴里嚼的烟草却也没停。
  The benches were crowded, townsfolk and farmers mingling freely with all manner of travelers.  长椅上座无虚席,村民和农夫与来历各异的旅客并肩而坐。
  The crossroads made for odd companions;  一手黑一手紫的染坊师傅和满身鱼腥的讨河人坐在一起;
  dyers with black and purple hands shared a bench with rivermen reeking of fish,  浑身肌肉的铁匠缩着身子挤在瘦小的老修士旁边;
  an ironsmith thick with muscle squeezed in beside a wizened old septon, hard-bitten sellswords and soft plump merchants swapped news like boon companions. 一副硬汉模样的流浪武士和轻声细语的生意人像老友般交换着路上的消息。