冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第423期:第二十四章 艾德(20)(在线收听

   Arya stood on one leg. She was getting much better at that of late.  艾莉亚单脚站立,近来她越来越擅长此道。

  Syrio says that every hurt is a lesson, and every lesson makes you better. 西利欧说每次受伤都是一次教训,而每次教训都让我们更强。
  Ned frowned. The man Syrio Forel had come with an excellent reputation, and his flamboyant Braavosi style was well suited to Arya's slender blade,  奈德听了不禁皱眉。西利欧·佛瑞尔颇具盛名,而他夸张华丽的布拉佛斯风格也很适合艾莉亚纤细的剑,
  yet still...a few days ago, she had been wandering around with a swatch of black silk tied over her eyes.  然而…几天前她绑了条黑丝巾遮住眼睛,
  Syrio was teaching her to see with her ears and her nose and her skin, she told him.  到处晃来晃去,告诉他说西利欧教她要用耳朵、鼻子和皮肤去感知四周环境。
  Before that, he had her doing spins and back flips. Arya, are you certain you want to persist in this? 在那之前,他又叫她练习前后滚翻。艾莉亚,你真的要继续学下去?
  She nodded. Tomorrow we're going to catch cats. 她点点头。明天我们开始抓猫。
  Cats. Ned sighed. Perhaps it was a mistake to hire this Braavosi. If you like, I will ask Jory to take over your lessons.  抓猫。奈德叹道,或许我不该雇这布拉佛斯人来教你。你愿意的话,我就请乔里接手,由他来教。
  Or I might have a quiet word with Ser Barristan. He was the finest sword in the Seven Kingdoms in his youth. 不然我也可以跟巴利斯坦说一声,他年轻时是七国上下最优秀的使剑好手。
  I don't want them, Arya said. I want Syrio. 我不要他们,艾莉亚说,我只要西利欧。
  Ned ran his fingers through his hair.  奈德伸手拨拨头发。
  Any decent master-at-arms could give Arya the rudiments of slash-and-parry without this nonsense of blindfolds, cartwheels, and hopping about on one leg,  其实,随便一个还过得去的教头,都可以教艾莉亚基础的砍劈和挡格,用不着这些蒙眼睛走路、翻跟斗和单脚跳跃的把戏。
  but he knew his youngest daughter well enough to know there was no arguing with that stubborn jut of jaw.  但他太了解自己小女儿的个性,知道跟她那固执的下巴争吵毫无用处。
  As you wish, he said. Surely she would grow tired of this soon. Try to be careful. 那就西利欧吧。反正她迟早也会玩腻。不过你一定要小心。
  I will, she promised solemnly as she hopped smoothly from her right leg to her left. 我会的。她一本正经地向他保证,然后平顺地从右脚跳到左脚。