冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第425期:第二十四章 艾德(22)(在线收听

  Yet knowing all that, what had he learned? The king had other baseborn children scattered throughout the Seven Kingdoms.  即便如此,他又能从中发现什么?国王所生的孩子遍及七国全境。
  He had openly acknowledged one of his bastards, a boy of Bran's age whose mother was highborn. The lad was being fostered by Lord Renly's castellan at Storm's End. 他曾公开承认过一个和布兰年纪相仿的私生子,男孩的母亲是贵族,现在交由蓝礼公爵的风息堡代理城主收养。
  Ned remembered Robert's first child as well, a daughter born in the Vale when Robert was scarcely more than a boy himself.  奈德也记得劳勃的第一个孩子,是他还在艾林谷时所生的女儿,当时他自己都还稚气未脱。
  A sweet little girl; the young lord of Storm's End had doted on her.  那是个可爱的小女孩,风息堡的年轻领主对她宠爱有加,
  He used to make daily visits to play with the babe, long after he had lost interest in the mother.  即便他早就对孩子的母亲失去了兴趣,那阵子还是天天去逗女儿玩。
  Ned was often dragged along for company, whether he willed it or not.  而且不论奈德愿意与否,每每被抓去作伴。他突然想到,
  The girl would be seventeen or eighteen now, he realized; older than Robert had been when he fathered her.  那女孩现在该有十七八岁了,比劳勃生她时的年纪还大,
  A strange thought. 想来真有些怪异。
  Cersei could not have been pleased by her lord husband's by-blows, yet in the end it mattered little whether the king had one bastard or a hundred.  对于她主君到处留种的行径,瑟曦想必不会高兴,但到头来不论国王有一个私生子还是一百个都没有差别,
  Law and custom gave the baseborn few rights. Gendry, the girl in the Vale, the boy at Storm's End, none of them could threaten Robert's trueborn children... 毕竟根据法律和习俗,庶出的子嗣享有的权利极为有限。不管詹德利,艾林谷的女孩,或者是风息堡那小子,全都不可能威胁到劳勃与王后所生的孩子…
  His musings were ended by a soft rap on his door. A man to see you, my lord, Harwin called. He will not give his name. 他的思绪被门上一阵轻敲打断。大人,有人想见您,哈尔温喊,他不肯通报姓名。
  Send him in, Ned said, wondering. 让他进来。奈德纳闷地说。
  The visitor was a stout man in cracked, mud-caked boots and a heavy brown robe of the coarsest roughspun,  访客体格粗壮,穿着沾满泥泞的破烂靴子,披着用极粗糙的料子制成的厚重褐色长袍,
  his features hidden by a cowl, his hands drawn up into voluminous sleeves. 面容被蒙头斗篷遮住,两手藏在重重叠叠的袖子里。