冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第440期:第二十五章 提利昂(9)(在线收听

   Tyrion kept on the fringes of the fight, sliding from rock to rock and darting out of the shadows to hew at the legs of passing horses.  提利昂在战场边缘游走,穿梭于岩石间,偶尔从躲藏的阴影里跳出来砍路过马匹的腿。

  He found a wounded clansman and left him dead, helping himself to the man's halfhelm.  他找到一个负伤的原住民,了结了他,并把他的半罩头盔拿来穿戴。
  It fit too snugly, but Tyrion was glad of any protection at all.  头盔太紧,但只要能提供保护,提利昂就很高兴。
  Jyck was cut down from behind while he sliced at a man in front of him, and later Tyrion stumbled over Kurleket's body.  杰克正和面前的敌人缠斗,却被人从后面捅了一刀。不一会儿提利昂又绊在了库雷凯特的尸体上,
  The pig face had been smashed in with a mace, but Tyrion recognized the dirk as he plucked it from the man's dead fingers.  那张猪脸被钉头锤打得稀烂,但提利昂认得他手中的短刀,他把它从死人的指间拔出。
  He was sliding it through his belt when he heard a woman's scream. 他正要插进腰带时,听到了女人的尖叫。
  Catelyn Stark was trapped against the stone face of the mountain with three men around her, one still mounted and the other two on foot.  凯特琳·史塔克被三个人围在山壁边,其中一个骑马,另外两个则是徒步。
  She had a dagger clutched awkwardly in her maimed hands, but her back was to the rock now and they had penned her on three sides.  她受伤的手姿势怪异地握着一把匕首,但她已经退到山壁边缘,被三面团团包围。
  Let them have the bitch, Tyrion thought, and welcome to her, yet somehow he was moving.  这婊子就给他们吧,提利昂心想,爱怎么搞随他们去,但不知怎么,他却采取了行动。
  He caught the first man in the back of the knee before they even knew he was there, and the heavy axehead split flesh and bone like rotten wood.  他在对方发觉之前砍中一个人的膝盖后方,沉重的斧刃劈开血肉和骨头,好像劈的不过是腐朽的烂木。
  Logs that bleed, Tyrion thought inanely as the second man came for him.  会流血的木头,提利昂心不在焉地想,接着第二个人朝他攻来。
  Tyrion ducked under his sword, lashed out with the axe, the man reeled backward...and Catelyn Stark stepped up behind him and opened his throat.  提利昂弯身躲开他的剑,挥出斧头,那人连忙后退……结果凯特琳·史塔克刚好走到他背后,割了他喉咙。
  The horseman remembered an urgent engagement elsewhere and galloped off suddenly. 骑马那人似乎想起别处有更重要的战斗,突然就快速跑开了。